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教育王國 討論區 宏福幼稚園 請問各位宏福幼稚園學生mami
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請問各位宏福幼稚園學生mami [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-21 23:06 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
如無意外囡囡將於09-10入讀宏福k1中英文班, 想請問一下實際的學習情形.





5.可以分享一下大家的小朋友是否喜歡返學, 以及大家對學校或老師的感覺嗎?

   1    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-25 17:54 |只看該作者

1.中文和英文課是否各佔一半? 應該係

2.英文課是否由外籍老師上課? 係,不過個老師係好似印巴藉

3.上課時師生比例是多少? 跟教育處係1:15,即一個老師教十五個學生,但我個仔而家讀宏福花園果邊校舍,佢果班有23位同學,有2個老師教。

4.每星期普通話課佔多少? 逢一、三均有普通話班,每堂25分鐘

5.可以分享一下大家的小朋友是否喜歡返學, 以及大家對學校或老師的感覺嗎? 我個小朋友都鍾意返學,而我對呢邊校舍感覺幾好,老師都幾好,因有時我除咗寫低要老師代跟進個仔 D 嘢外,亦間中打電話比老師了解係學校 o既情況,反而青怡校舍 D 行政就差好多 la。


[ 本帖最後由 ElainAiolia 於 09-4-25 18:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-5-9 00:27 |只看該作者


Rank: 2

發表於 09-7-2 23:54 |只看該作者
My both children are graduated from TK.  

To be frank, the cirriculum and teachers' performance have regression, especially after receiving "學券"   

1. relative high turnover in teacher (good ones have gone);
2. few out-of-classroom study;
3. very congested class size (2 teachers : around 25-30 students);
4. no more after school programmes like phonics class;
5. little performance arranged to children;
6. no/superficial feedback in children's homework assignment.  

The above is only my personal observation.  Both my kids completed 4 years' study in TK.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-4 01:26 |只看該作者

你好, 我囡囡N1&K1都係青怡宏褔讀, 9月份會因升K2關係去宏褔花園個邊, 以下意見只作參考:

K1(青怡)1班有2TEAM - A&B, 每TEAM大約17-18人, 除了每TEAM有一個固定班主任外, 還有一位外籍老師(好似印巴藉)及一位普通話老師(考取國家普通話機準試甲等), 而這兩位老師好似助教O甘並且只FOR K1 (N1另有外籍英文教師), 所以以我所見小朋友接觸英普機會亦多(有多機會成日講), 但當然和正式上堂學東西有所不同, 而我認為兩者同樣重要.  中英普比例是...中佔60%;英普佔40%(當然英文佔多一些), 另外如學校能有學券中文比例一定要多過英文(教育處規定), 所以宏褔國際班係冇學券O家.

上面已提及但放心有教育文憑或以上學歷, 不果K1時曾1年內換了2位英文老師(1ST - 嫁人去了).


上面已提及, 而我囡囡普通話都OK, 能講......爸爸媽媽我愛你; 你們辛苦LA; 唱國歌; 1-10; 自己全名及面上器官, 這些書上沒有教.  (雖然小囡有在外每星期一堂學普通話, 但以上都不在外邊課程內, 所以肯定在校內學的)

5.可以分享一 ... [/quote]
宏褔的確可以令小朋友喜歡上學地方, 他們真的很開心O家, 而我認為這點是非常重要, 否則他們點去學習都冇用, 因為他們唔ENJOY第日點升上小學.  
英語拼音方面, 學校只是輕輕提及卻不會考, 而我暫時都OK, 因我不會依靠學校去教好拚音, 要學好的我認為必須專科去做.  
行政方面, 兩年都冇進步過, 家長一定要跟貼點, 千其唔好怕煩.
總括: 100分我比72分啦.
老實講我曾想過轉校, 但只選擇2間第1間名人幼稚園 - 考唔到; 第2間 - 面試後我和C6都覺宏褔好點因感覺接觸外語多些.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-4-1 23:37 |只看該作者

Thanks for your details sharing. If you have a chance to select again, what is your decision?

  • Tivoli - International stream
  • Mei Foo Think - am
  • Learning Habitat - Hampton Loft - am
All are PN class.

Many thanks

原帖由 rplyan 於 09-7-4 01:26 發表

你好, 我囡囡N1&K1都係青怡宏褔讀, 9月份會因升K2關係去宏褔花園個邊, 以下意見只作參考:

K1(青怡)1班有2TEAM - A&B, 每TEAM大約17-18人, 除了每TEAM有一個固定班主任外,  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-4 15:20 |只看該作者
我囡囡N 都會讀宏福國際,現正擔心, K1考唔番九龍塘幼稚園. 而且,升小學,好似好多是去直7資,對嗎?
國際班無學卷, 是否比較深?
K2 學寫字未 ?
K3 有無默書? 我擔心學校太過活動,小朋友升上小學,會好辛苦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-7 16:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 kmmum 於 4/4/2010 15:20 發表
我囡囡N 都會讀宏福國際,現正擔心, K1考唔番九龍塘幼稚園. 而且,升小學,好似好多是去直7資,對嗎?
國際班無學卷, 是否比較深? 其實國際班應是較淺
K2 學寫字未 ? K2下學開始會學寫字
K3 有無默書? 我擔心學校太過活動,小朋友升上小學,會好辛苦. ... 應該冇默書, 但有認字. 如果想小朋友升上傳統小學, 可能會辛苦....
個人意見, 好睇家長本身同小朋友能力,適應力.

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-19 14:09 編輯 ]
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
    -Steve Jobs-

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-5-19 11:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-4-7 16:57 發表
原帖由 kmmum 於 4/4/2010 15:20 發表
我囡囡N 都會讀宏福國際,現正擔心, K1考唔番九龍塘幼稚園. 而且,升小學,好似好多是去直7資,對嗎?
國際班無學卷, 是否比較深? 其實應是較深
K2 學寫字未 ? 下學開始會學寫字
K3 ...

hi, my son will study Tivoli international stream this coming Sept. May I ask:
Willl they learn to write in K1? or just after K2?
Can the studnets speak fluent English at class and read simple English after nursery class?
Do they teach Phonics starting from PN?
Do they have lots of homework to do at home?

I know your son got admitted to PLK TSL, Is it easy for the graduate to promote to TSL?

Many thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-19 14:07 |只看該作者
hello mianyang_99 ,
welcome to tivoli!

Willl they learn to write in K1? or just after K2?
Elder son started writing exercises from K2. he managed to write correctly quite late if you compare in our time when i remember i had 2 to 3 full pages of chinese and english writing before arriving P1.
younger son in K1 still no writing.

Can the students speak fluent English at class and read simple English after nursery class?
i think they understand quite well the conversation during the class. my sons use to converse with mixed languages to each other. depends on which environment of friends you put them more than the half day school.

Do they teach Phonics starting from PN?
i think they have a few, but don't expect too much. my sons can link the words with images on the book, but can read the word alone. especially our sons don't really have a good memory.....

Do they have lots of homework to do at home?
K1 has one reading exercise per week end. K2 has a bit more.

I know your son got admitted to PLK TSL, Is it easy for the graduate to promote to TSL?
can't say that.... our son applied for english/french stream.... and he is really lucky to be accepted i can say.... TSL is very very selective school... so far i only heard one other girl from the same class of my son whom is much more brilliant than our son was admitted as well. quite a lot of parents told me that their child didn't get a place to 2nd interview....
but i do think this has nothing to do with the kindergarten... concerning tsl. the attitude and the english level during interviews play an important role.

hope this help! N1 or K1 does you child going to?

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-19 14:13 編輯 ]
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
    -Steve Jobs-

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-5-19 17:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-19 14:07 發表
hello mianyang_99 ,
welcome to tivoli!

Willl they learn to write in K1? or just after K2?
Elder son started writing exercises from K2. he managed to write correctly quite late if you compare in our ...

oh, you are always so helful to us...Thanks for your detailed answer.

Well, my son will be going to N1 class this Sept and I was really thrilled.  is your son stuying at new campus right now? Do the N1 need to move to another campus after K1 or K2 or will they stay at the same campus throughout the years?

Thanks again....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-19 17:44 |只看該作者
actually it was a bit complicate for our sons....
our elder son has been to the international stream for N1 and K1 only, and we have switched him to chinese/english K2 and K3.
therefore, he was in tsing yee garden before and tivoli garden after.
our younger son is still in tsing yee garden. however, we will switch him to local stream next year. so he will change campus as well.
don't know if the new campus has opened yet, and how will kindergarten arrange the campus in the coming years..... :)

原帖由 mianyang_99 於 19/5/2010 17:16 發表

oh, you are always so helful to us...Thanks for your detailed answer.

Well, my son will be going to N1 class this Sept and I was really thrilled.  is your son stuying at new campus right now? Do th ...

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-5-19 17:45 編輯 ]
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
    -Steve Jobs-
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