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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 女拔面試, 2分30秒, 多謝$40/分鐘
樓主: mycarrie

女拔面試, 2分30秒, 多謝$40/分鐘 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-19 12:11 |只看該作者
Not every child gets a 2-3 minute interview. You don't know the real reason, and sometimes some parents THINK it's just 2-3 minutes, when it might have been 5 minutes..... don't know that.

Just like at a recent piano competition, a child went up to play a piece that is at least 5 minutes long.... he played 2 lines (about 15 seconds).... the adjudicator "ding" him down already. There was NO reason to do it.... but that is the way it was.

Some girls got interviewed 15 minutes in Mrs Dai's office..... what's the explanation there? because if she already screened and picked everyone...why spend all that time on anyone? 2 minutes would have been enough for the "show".

The child might have done something that automtically "failed" the standards of the interview. LIke for example, Mrs. Dai takes the report card, NOT TO READ... she took it, and then kept it on her desk for a few minutes, then she gave it back to my daughter, my daughter had to use TWO hands to receive it. If your daughter used one hand, then maybe that's marks deducted.

Then maybe your child forgot to say good afternoon, or good morning, or started climbing on her desk, or looking around up and down in the room, or playing with something on her desk... or not answering her questions.... etc. etc.

2 minutes- if I was Mrs. Dai, yes, I would be done with this child too.

原帖由 tiggger 於 08-10-19 11:42 發表
As some parents here have said so, no system on earth is perfect and private schools have the absolute right to select their students.  So Mrs Dai can carry out the interviews in 2 minutes or 2 hours; ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-19 12:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 Smalljokerbb 於 08-10-18 00:56 發表
以你講個女考CCKG個CASE, 咁係唔係話CCKG同DGJS一樣, 收學生唔係睇面試, 只要係佢嘅心水(eg. target background, parents' job, dgjs or cckg old girls, etc.), 無論IN成點都收呢??  咁wisekid講嗰D又幾對喎 ...

Of course not,since I have None of the above criteria.It really depends on the "interview"!
I would like to share it ,because i think the degree of how to select the students are similar between DGJS and CCKG,since they are related ma.
actually,I did not put my daughter in CCKG eventually,and I let her studying in a playful and enjoyable school at last!!
The most important is "healthy" and "happiness" for the kids!It also directly influenced by their parents,so.............RELAX!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-19 12:44 |只看該作者
I just walk by.  

When there are 2,000 plus girls to be interviewed, even two girls at a time and 3 minutes per pair, it is a task of 3,000 minutes or 50 hours.  It does not include time and energy in all other related workload, such as handling all  those "knocking the back door" requests & screening out the "non-privileged" applicants.

Fair or not fair, in my humble opinion, Mrs. Dai does take her job seriously.   No interview system can satisfy every stakeholder's needs and meeting every expectations.  Meeting every child in person, if not the best mean to find the right candidates, is already a very noble gesture.

If one is so deeply offended by the school, the sweetest revenge will be having a better education than DGS can offer.  

School is only part of the education for any child.  As parents, we actually held more responsibility towards their growth and education than their school.

發表於 08-10-19 13:33 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-19 13:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 mycarrie 於 08-10-13 21:49 發表
各位, 我雖然面試機會尚少, 但女拔的面試速度之快及混亂係我最佩服的.

準備時間, 企係大門口等了15分鐘, 跟住入去登記房等了20分仲
面試時間, 不足5分鐘, 仲要同另一個小朋友share. (每人得2分半仲, 計埋行行企企) ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-19 23:59 |只看該作者
Hi wisekid2007,

There really is no perfect interview system and given the limited time/ resources, for the remaining lot (ie. those without connections), the child's kindergarten, family background, past awards...etc. + 2-3 mins' first impression during interviews, are all she can go by.

Of course not all smart ones will be selected using this method (and some not so smart ones may be able to fool his/her way in), but I think by and large, the principal should be able to identify who are the confident, polite, attentive, articulate ones within a few minutes.  They may not be the brightest academically, but they will at least be presentable, and will stand a better chance that they are teachable/ drillable.  


原帖由 wisekid2007 於 08-10-19 10:23 發表
Hi Chatterbox,

You seems to have a sensible discussion and let me further discuss with you if you don't mind.

Then there will be some places left for those who are really bright & smart and who ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 11:47 |只看該作者
I know a parents of CCKG girl.....daddy is policeman (PC only) and mommy is housewife. What do you think this background???? His grandparents is living in government house, no background too!!!

原帖由 wisekid2007 於 08-10-18 18:20 發表
Hi Smalljokerbb,

I just want to rebut amanda030209 immature posting but when I saw that you have already posted out what I wanted to say, I can save a lot of typing effort.

If anyone has a better un ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 13:59 |只看該作者
Dear wisekid2007 ,

Thanks for your elaboration but i have two points to share with you.

First, if it is pre-screen, so what! It is not a waste of time because, how do you know that Mrs. Dai may choose those who have not been pre-screened but perfomed great in those 2-3 minutes Interview. There is no statistics.

Second, even if there is pre-screen and the principal selected only those pre-screened even after interview. You can't say that it is a waste of time because most of the parents attended the interview and they are willing to attend otherwise they can't go into DGJS. It is a rule.

Also, to conclude, Let's wait until December and see the result and discuss and BK parents may raise the result and this is more conclusive. Right?

發表於 08-10-20 14:12 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 14:17 |只看該作者
i agreed with you.
原帖由 okokdad 於 08-10-20 13:59 發表
Dear wisekid2007 ,

Thanks for your elaboration but i have two points to share with you.

First, if it is pre-screen, so what! It is not a waste of time because, how do you know that Mrs. Dai may choo ...

發表於 08-10-20 14:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 14:33 |只看該作者
actually what is non sense n what is make sense...i think here every moms got their own judgement. but really from your words...I only feel the sense or feeling of 粗魯.

發表於 08-10-20 14:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 14:41 |只看該作者

原帖由 Reximom 於 08-10-20 14:38 發表

要鬧我都唔該寫得好d, 狗屁不通, 都唔知講mug, 英文唔好就唔好用英文寫啦!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 14:49 |只看該作者
大家抒發已見o者, 洗唔洗人身攻擊, 你真係好無教養, 無禮貌。

原帖由 Reximom 於 08-10-20 14:38 發表

要鬧我都唔該寫得好d, 狗屁不通, 都唔知講mug, 英文唔好就唔好用英文寫啦!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 15:04 |只看該作者
我知你又會講埋d好難聽o既說法黎反撃我, 不過我唔會上心亦唔會同你嘈交, 公道自在人心, 大家道不同不相為謀, 但唔該你講mug都好, 請注意下禮貌, 你講野o既態度實在好野蠻同失禮。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 15:22 |只看該作者
Take it easy, she is "無文化"......I mentioned it in a week ago.

原帖由 細粒豬 於 08-10-20 15:04 發表
我知你又會講埋d好難聽o既說法黎反撃我, 不過我唔會上心亦唔會同你嘈交, 公道自在人心, 大家道不同不相為謀, 但唔該你講mug都好, 請注意下禮貌, 你講野o既態度實在好野蠻同失禮。 ...

發表於 08-10-20 15:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-20 15:43 |只看該作者
Waaaa....quick response from Mad dog!!!!

原帖由 Reximom 於 08-10-20 15:38 發表

唔係呀, 你明明讚我係慈善家個播!
(If no people like you....HK has no people to support the low level at the society), 你講番又點番中我個笑穴!!

發表於 08-10-20 15:45 |只看該作者
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