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TVB Pearl " Child of our time, 2000 " Tomorrow [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-5 11:12 |只看該作者

TVB Pearl " Child of our time, 2000 " Tomorrow

I remember that TVB Pearl 930, Child of our time, will discuss about the Speech issue tomorrow.         For your info.
假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-7 01:44 |只看該作者

Re: TVB Pearl " Child of our time, 2000 " Tomorrow

妳好,我個小朋友是到現在都末有語言表達(2歲半),我都想看Read My Lips 千禧BB檔案2004.不過己经過了,不知妳有否錄到,可否借紿我看,如可以的話請E-mail   
[email protected]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-7 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: TVB Pearl " Child of our time, 2000 " Tomorrow

Read My Lips affirms the belief that active parental involvement is of utmost in a child's development in all aspects, not only in speech and language development.

When the parents' relationship are good, they pay attention to the children, the children's language development is more advanced than those getting less attention.  When a child cannot speak well, he/she cannot communicate well with the others and hence his/her social skills are weaker.

From how much the mother knows how the child feels, it really tells how much attention she pays to the child.  It is amazing that the mother of six does a good job while some other who has only one or two performs not as well.

The message I get is to keep a pleasant mood all the times (the child can sense what we feel even though we hide it) and keep up our hard work.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-5-11 14:07 |只看該作者

Re: TVB Pearl " Child of our time, 2000 " Tomorrow

Dear YY88,

   I am sorry that I didn't recorded the program. If I check out any friends have a copy, I will let you know.

   JustJust had a very comprehensive description.

   As for me, I just saw with my BB, so there are many interruption indeed. Yet, as far as I know, the program discussed about (1) the relationship and the way of communication between the couple do affect the child. (2) Child do know how to read our Non-Verbal Communication ( body communications), such as our gesture, tone, volumn,................., so our effective communication include both Verbal and Nonverbal communication.

"Communication is at the heart of being human and learning to communicate effectively takes a lifetime to perfect. In this episode Professor Robert Winston explores how we develop the art of speech and body language to make ourselves understood and to understand others."       
假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。
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