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教育王國 討論區 幼教雜談 黑店一個都太多
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黑店一個都太多 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-2-11 16:08 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 Godark 於 23-4-3 13:49 編輯

Beware of super black shop in Causeway Bay about speech training for competition
This black shop had agreed to give paid training sessions of speech competition for only ridiculously 15 mins each and took only 6 classes and suddenly withdrew the paid last session including recording just before deadline of submission because the teacher has been trying to push all the responsibilities or having her own personal or commercial agenda, even though the parents promised to try working hard together, and provided that the little contestant could memorise at least 90% of such simple lines and considered an outstanding learner for his age by school etc..

Such an unqualified and irresponsible teacher literally said “it is waste of money” to have makeup classes the parents generously willing to offer plus giving them a video of practice daily as instructed for what to do in the last week before submission (the parents were also told in the beginning by them to have 10 classes normally and that only 7 sessions x15 minutes will be enough for a 3yo and will see the need of having extra classes etc.).

To parents, it IS waste of time and yes money to just attend their unproductive sessions for nothing. Instead of asking for any compensation, the parents only tried all their means to entrust, submit and cooperate towards the goal of simply aiming a simple completion of a committed task or deal that both had agreed on.

Unfortunately they were left all behind by such irresponsible behaviours causing much unnecessary stress regarding the last minute recording and submission etc (the black shop had applied the competition so they are meant to submit the clip instead of the parents with the only right) with NO help nor response whatsoever about any arrangement further regarding the contest at all.

More ridiculous and hilarious thing is they could ask a lame lawyer to issue the parents a letter (so all the time of no response they spent was with such shitty document which they tried to scare people off.. which unfortunately will not) to tell the fabricated and articulated story they have brought up together.

The fact is the parents just want them to finish the promised job with prior payment and mutual agreement. It is their sole decision to discontinue everything suddenly in the last minute without getting any consent from or prior notice to the parents, even the last conversation and conclusion they had and mutually agreed on was to just go on the last training and recording session i.e. finishing the job.

Have you ever encountered such unprofessional and unethical companies ever before? If not, please BE aware and let’s plea to the government to have better regulation to such lame “educational” centres to be banned as well as such “law” centres and lawyers as well.

All other speech centres they have encountered were never like this, and even it was shocking to the organiser itself and many REAL professionals out there.. So please don’t fall in the trap again and help this black shop ever grow in such corrupted business, and seriously their misconduct will definitely be heard and addressed in formal and recognised contest organizers, reputable schools as well as governing and regulating bodies in coming future.

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Rank: 4

發表於 23-3-19 00:38 |只看該作者
Godark 發表於 23-2-11 16:08
Beware of super black shop in Causeway Bay about speech training for competition
This black shop ha ...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 23-3-20 16:41 |只看該作者
not sure..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-3-21 17:01 |只看該作者


starts with B?...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-3-25 17:08 |只看該作者
回覆 Godark 的帖子

Where in Causeway Bay pls?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-4-3 13:45 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Godark 於 23-4-3 16:56 編輯

回覆 hibella 的帖子

Yes. In conclusion, this child not only fortunately completed the task on time in the end and even got a surprising award when it almost got pulled off by such unprofessional, irresponsible and lame centre and tutor who thinks he is nothing and wasting their time. God knows it all and serves justice putting them and their gold digging lawyers to shame. Btw BT please return your pending uncommitted class and recording fees if you see this post ASAP otherwise proper legal action will be taken accordingly instead.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-4-3 15:14 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-5-9 18:37 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Godark 於 23-5-14 08:32 編輯

回覆 大小小肥妹 的帖子


比賽獎項絕不重要,人哋起初想為意義已報親子朗誦,尋求協助,你慫恿人哋做個人朗誦話容易啲攞獎;七堂每堂15分鐘已經奇怪,你又話小朋友大細不能太長,仲話有需要會安排補堂,到第六堂事主主動offer俾你幫佢補堂,最後一星期一起努力,跟你指示,每日錄短片俾你,你又話佢喺屋企唔練習(我諗冇一個家長係會完全唔練習吧,再者如果家長識得自己訓練,還需要俾錢你嗎?坊間十間有十間正常的speech training Centre都係會專業完成的),就話佢補多幾堂都冇用,有骨地講睇吓家長覺得值唔值得,不接受任何意見一味推卸責任,兼突然發脾氣放棄完全不回應之後嘅安排(人哋連遞交短片嘅權利都冇,因為唔係佢報,完全徬徨唔知點做),最後幾日俾你哋橋起咗嘅時候,亦不知道中心已約咗及交費的堂要上與否,正想放棄之際,神跡居然令小朋友喺短時間搞掂,仲攞埋獎(完全冇諗過已經唔記得咗呢件事,咁即係唔係家長同小朋友嘅問題啦,而係呢間中心的教育及人格質素問題),諗住心裏平安勝過一切不公對待,不作追究,但這間黑店仲夠膽用不實的律師信諗住可以嚇人,指鹿為馬,再起底中傷,人人得以株之。你哋仲會幫襯嗎?經佢哋出嚟嘅小朋友,仲會得到香港認可機構及學校認同嗎?事主一定追究到底,以正視聽。


heidya    發表於 23-8-28 14:28
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