- 在線時間
- 115 小時
- 最後登錄
- 25-3-14
- 國民生產力
- 2549
- 附加生產力
- 41666
- 貢獻生產力
- 0
- 註冊時間
- 17-11-24
- 閱讀權限
- 10
- 帖子
- 26575
- 主題
- 0
- 精華
- 0
- 積分
- 70790
- 2734087
TJ05 發表於 25-2-6 23:23 
Yr.7 是否好難入?很chur 嗎?
St Mary's Ascot Y7 入學相對 Y9 易
Y7 主要考 English Maths
Y9 另考 Sci RS Hist/Geog MFL 及 Latin
Entrance Exams
The examinations and interviews for all 13+ and 16+ candidates take place at St Mary’s in November / December of the year prior to entry. For 11+ candidates, the assessment will take place at St Mary’s in the Lent term of the year of entry. The school does not issue past papers but will supply guidelines to the current school or parents upon request.
The subjects tested are:
at 11+: English, Mathematics and a general paper (which could include: graded spelling; non-verbal puzzles; listening skills)
at 13+: English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Studies, History or Geography, French or an alternative modern language (Spanish, Italian or German) and Latin
at 16+: a general paper, and interviews in the subjects to be studied at A Level
Please contact the Director of Admissions, Ms Alison Atherton, on +44 (0)1344 296614, or by email at [email protected], if you have any queries about our entrance examinations.
Results are normally notified within three weeks of sitting the examinations.
Is there an entrance examination?
St Mary’s conducts 11+, 13+ and 16+ entrance examinations at the school. At 11+, girls come to St Mary’s for a day in the December before the year of entry. They will sit examinations in English, Mathematics and a General Paper, for which no special preparation is required. Candidates are taken to lunch by current Year 7 girls who will also give them a tour of the school.
At 13+ girls come to St Mary’s for two days in the November before the year of entry and candidates are invited to spend the night at school. The examinations will include English, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Science, a modern language, Geography or History and a Latin paper.
Both the 11+ and 13+ examinations are similar to Common Entrance, although girls also have an interview with the Headmistress or with a senior member of staff. We do not recommend extra examination tutoring prior to your daughter sitting an entrance assessment for St Mary’s.
At 16+ girls come to St Mary’s for a day. They sit a general examination paper and will also meet the Heads of Departments of the subjects to be studied at A level. In addition they have an interview with the Headmistress and the Head of Sixth Form.