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[美國] 取消 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-5 23:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 Pigmama1012 於 20-8-1 23:27 編輯

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-6 14:56 |只看該作者
We are talking about secondary school education here. USA is less popular because its schools are more free and diverse as well as many many !

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-2-6 15:38 |只看該作者
Security and Costs are amongst the "many many".

Rank: 4

發表於 13-2-7 21:35 |只看該作者

回覆:Shootastar 的帖子

all the good universities, such as ivy league schools, are located in the usa.  i will send my kids for high school there.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-2-8 14:38 |只看該作者
回復 Pigmama1012 的帖子

Unless you hold an US passport or a green card, the difference of studying high school in USA or in Hong Kong is not much difference as far as ivies or their equivalents are concerned unless you study at "The Ten Schools".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-8 18:07 |只看該作者
Many parents do want their kids to go to ivy schools. But to be realistic, are your kids top 1% students ?


Shootastar  I can't agree with you more. Even if you are top 1% in your class, there is no guarantee that you can be admitted by an Ivy (even you hold an American passport or green card).  發表於 13-2-8 18:46

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-9 10:27 |只看該作者
Shootastar 發表於 13-2-8 14:38
回復 Pigmama1012 的帖子

Unless you hold an US passport or a green card, the difference of studying  ...
Studying at "The Ten Schools" is not the only path to Ivy league; however, getting into "The Ten School" is very difficult nowadays for students from Hong Kong, as they will put us into the pool from Mainland China; my son went to boarding school since grade 7 (F. 1); and I personnally visited many schools in New England area; and I've talked to the admission officer during the interview that they received over more than 1,000 of applicants from China each year; while their school body is only 500 and they can't accept too much Chinese; what they do, they will reserve certain percentage of students from each country, China and Korea has the biggest pool among all. Unfortunately, Hong Kong student has fall into the China pool, as a result, my son's classmate from Thailand could get into "The Ten School" despite his SSAT result was not as good as my son.  

[img align=left]http://clubimgfile.paran.com/rainbowkh/pds/2006/0127/1138292195_13.gif[/img]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-2-9 11:05 |只看該作者
回復 真矢 的帖子

Thank for your sharing.

It is true that attending the "Ten Schools" such as Andover, Exeter, St. Paul etc. is not the only path to Ivies. The chance of being admitted to Ivies is generally easier than other schools by statistics. The Ten Schools are known as Ivy feeders schools. However, each such school may have only 20% to 30% students being admitted to Ivies or equivalent such as MIT, Stanford, CIT or UC. I would have thought that the good boarding schools may not have 10% students being admitted to Ivies or its equivalent.

I agree with you that it is very very difficult to be admitted to one of the "Ten Schools" nowadays. I had attended the presentation made by Andover in 2005 when I planned to transfer him to a US boarding school. I was told by the admission officer that unless he was a top top top student of his high school, the chance of being admitted was very low. In any event, she encouraged me to make the application for him. Given the fact that my S was not a top top top student, I saved the application fee.

Could you share what grade your S is at or is he in college now?. If in college, could you share his destination.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-9 17:30 |只看該作者
回復 Shootastar 的帖子

My son is now at Grade 10, as the junior boarding school that he attended only up to grade 9, so he has to continue his grade 10-12 to another high school, that's why I visited a lot of high schools in New England at the beginning of his Grade 9.  Of course attending Ivy League is the dream of every parent; but be frankly it is not realitic if your kid is not academically top 1% and he/she must have certain credit on community service, or he/she must be athletically outstanding like Jeremy Lin.  An alumni of his school did OK from SAT but he served Haiti as a volunteer worker for few weeks after the earthquake, he got admitted by Harvard, and someone got almost 2400 at SAT who couldn't get in any Ivy League as he doesn't have any credit on community service nor a outstanding an athlete.

[img align=left]http://clubimgfile.paran.com/rainbowkh/pds/2006/0127/1138292195_13.gif[/img]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-2-14 12:28 |只看該作者
回復 真矢 的帖子

Thanks for your sharing.

I have no doubt that you are a dedicated parent. Since your son is in Grade 10, he has a lot of time to build up his personal profile by taking service, leadership role in althletic and academic aspects. You are quite right that those are essential in the college applications.

My D studied in an IS in Hong Kong several years ago. She served in a special school for children with severe mental problem for 3 years. She was the editor in chief of the year book. She was the captain of the badminton team and represented her school in inter-school competitions for 4 years both in and outside Hong Kong. She was also a tutor of the learning center of her school for 3 years. She had reasonably good scores in SAT I and SAT II. With a bit of luck, she had 7 offers from US colleges.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-14 19:57 |只看該作者
回復 Shootastar 的帖子

Your daughter must be very outstanding and all rounded that accepted by 7 colleges; as it considerably an early admission.  So what is your preference among those 7 colleges?  

Be honest, I am very much rely on his school "college counselors"; as they know well what is best for my son.  

[img align=left]http://clubimgfile.paran.com/rainbowkh/pds/2006/0127/1138292195_13.gif[/img]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-2-15 11:39 |只看該作者
回復 真矢 的帖子

My S is several years older than my D. I did not know very much about the game when my S applied for college in his senior year. He could not build up an impressive profile. He had only two offers from the top 50 US colleges. He did not go to USA because he chose to study law in UK.

It was relatively easier when my S commenced her high school several years later. She knew the reasons why his brother received 7 rejections from US colleges --- lack of an impressive personal profile. She began her service and leadership role when she was in Grade 9. By the time she was in Grade 12, she had a reasonably good academic and ECA profile to support her applications for colleges. She applied to a SECA college but was rejected. In fact, all offers from those 7 colleges were from regular action. She was interested in medical and biological science. She chose the colleges based on the subject ranking, rather than the overall ranking of the colleges.

As her preference is medicine, so by the end of April 2012, she chose a pre-medical program of a college, 75% (about) of whose graduates are admitted to the US medical schools.

Her personal profile also helped her applications to the local medical schools. She received offers from both medical schools in late May and early June. Eventually she gave up the offer from the US college.
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