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教育王國 討論區 聖保祿學校(小學部) any difficulties in adjustment from spk k3 to spc p1
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any difficulties in adjustment from spk k3 to spc p1 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-26 17:01 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
As the level in spk is easy, is it esay for spk k3 students to pick up in p1? how about the homework/test/exam and dictation loads? Is it compulsory to join extracurricular activities in p1? Are the students in SPC generally smart? Is it common for SPC students to have tutoring courses outside?  What is the requirement for promotion to p2? 
Sorry for asking so  many questions, any parents can help? thanks a lot!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-27 12:29 |只看該作者

回覆 1# A9109494 的文章

i had same question after met a daddy of current p1 student in playground.

according to this parent, lots of girls went to tutorial class when they were k3. after the first exam (or test),  he regret he did not let his daughter join the tutorial at that time.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-27 20:33 |只看該作者
As the level in spk iseasy, is it esay for spk k3 students to pick up in p1?

Very difficult.....

how about thehomework/test/exam and dictation loads?

The load are not heavy as most of the tests and exams have no scope.  I all depends on your knowledge in that particular subjects.  In the other words, the no. of exercises the kids have done and the no. of books the kids have read.

Is it compulsory to joinextracurricular activities in p1?

They are not so important in my personal opinion.  They cannot help your kid if the examination results are not good.

Are the students in SPC generallysmart?

Yes, most of them are confident and competent girls.

Is it common for SPC students to have tutoring courses outside?

The school does not encourage but most of them get low marks if your kid does not have.  So many mums were searching for tutorial classes after the first test but it was too late.

What is the requirement for promotion to p2?

The basic criteria is that Marks should be 60+ in Chinese, English, Maths & GS.  

Girls who had attended the tutorial classes from K3, can only get 70-89 in the first exam.  I think it is difficult to achieve 90+ in the exam as the level of the papers was too high for P.1 students.

Sorry for asking so  many questions, any parents can help? thanks a lot!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 16:09 |只看該作者

回覆 3# rickoricko 的文章

Thanks so much rickoricko!

But after reading yr reply, it makes me feel worry and anxious!  Now k3 already finshed half term!  Do u know which tutorials are gd? i read from here cheung and st lei lok are choices, but any other choices as i am living in hk east. So should have tutorial for all eng/chinese/maths the  best? is once a wk enough?  will the p1 students know their ranking in the class ?

Seems really not easy to study in a famous primary school!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 16:27 |只看該作者

回覆 3# rickoricko 的文章

sorry , one more question, any schoolbus after ECA? Is it possible to travel in spk schoolbus after school? as i always heard from my daughter that there are elders girls in her schoolbus afterschool???

Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-29 05:15 |只看該作者
But after reading yr reply, it makes me feel worry and anxious!  

Take it easy!

Now k3already finshed half term!  Do u know which tutorials are gd?

Yip Sir in Hong Yi...My kid finished all the 1st term of P.1 at this time when she was in K3.

i readfrom here cheung and st lei lok are choices, but any other choices as iam living in hk east. So should have tutorial for all eng/chinese/maths the  best?

Some of them go there three times a week.  Some of them have classes five days a week.  They will have all eng/chinese/maths training in there.

is once a wk enough?  

Personally not...

will the p1 students know their ranking in the class ?

Only 1st, 2nd and the 3rd....

Seems really not easy to study in a famous primary school!

[ 本帖最後由 rickoricko 於 10-1-29 05:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-1-29 09:57 |只看該作者

how about the homework/test/exam and dictation loads?
,九十分無問題,默書通常很多人 100 Unseen就靠自己無得温,測驗,考試
九字頭都唔難,九字頭初小都唔可以 Top ten你可以想像幾多人九字頭.

到小四才開始就深, 程度外面普通中學英文,小五小六更要靠平時多閱讀,因閱讀理解佔很多分,小四開始英文分數會越來越低,開始平均 7, 80
2.數學上學期基本上小一跟 K3時差不多,初小
100分我自己都見唔小,九字頭不難,差不多考試前老師會派 notes和你 pre-test,小心和肯温習高小九字頭都有很多人.

3. GS 是四科中最淺, 初小很少聽到有人唔合格, 串好字温熟作業. 都會很高分.


[ 本帖最後由 weisscarton 於 10-1-29 17:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-1-29 17:48 |只看該作者
至於中文配合三三四已經不是搬字過紙, 耍多思考, 閱讀理解佔分會比較重, 小一八+分以上都唔難.

如果小一每日去補習社最後先得 70-89分可以話太低分, 你到小四以後點算,. 要幫小朋友應該星期六日用一至兩小時温書, 默書一定早成星期通知, 一定有時間準備, 考試前把所有NOTES做一次已經一定有 70分以上, 平時星期一至五多看課外書, 才能提升小朋友閱讀能力. 不停機械性到補習社做練習, 肯定無可能考試高分.



[ 本帖最後由 weisscarton 於 10-1-29 17:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-25 15:46 |只看該作者

回覆 8# weisscarton 的文章

Thanks so  much weisscarton!  But it makes me so confused that yr opinion was totally diff from rickoricko.  I think it is really depends on the ability and smartness of the children.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-28 00:23 |只看該作者
It depends on the years her kid is studying.  This year is extremely tough when it was compared to the past.

Per my understanding, it is difficult attain "A" for both Chinese & English in the Jan examination in P.1 according to the teachers.  Of course, there are outstanding students everywhere in school who wereable to get nearly full marks.  However, the populations were small.  I know 4-5 kids studying in SPCPR P.1 and they told me the same things in CNY.

You can trust her if you can afford to take the risk.  You will see the results anyway in Nov if your kid is studying in K3.  

Good luck!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-28 21:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 rickoricko 於 10-1-27 20:33 發表
As the level in spk iseasy, is it esay for spk k3 students to pick up in p1?

Very difficult.....

從K3上P1後, 追唔追得上, 都有媽媽講過. 其實同一辦學團體, 相信應該唔係問題.

但以聖保祿書院係全港Top 5好成績的中學, 點解佢哋係KG/Nursery的Syllabus教得咁淺, N1-N4或K1-K3都以中文為主的教育, 英文時間唔多, 而且無NET添! 佢哋係咪有其他的理念, 想係P1前培養/訓練其他方面的嘢呢??

[ 本帖最後由 MAMAMEEE 於 10-2-28 21:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-4 13:52 |只看該作者
I also agree with rickoricko.  It depends on which year of P.1.  It makes a difference.  Of course, each kid is different too.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-7 12:26 |只看該作者
我問過而家讀緊 P.1 , P.2 的家長, 佢地同 weisscarton 所講都係好 接近...!

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-10 16:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 mango22 於 10-6-7 12:26 發表
我問過而家讀緊 P.1 , P.2 的家長, 佢地同 weisscarton 所講都係好 接近...!

聽過其他家長意見話spc好有閱讀氣氛, 會令到個小朋友自然有閱讀興趣....係咪真呢?


我個囡到而家都唔係好肯自己去睇書(其實正常嗎?), 佢一定要我講俾佢聽, 仲係一定要聽中文書, 佢話聽英文佢唔明, 覺得好悶!

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-10 16:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 weisscarton 於 10-1-29 17:48 發表
至於中文配合三三四已經不是搬字過紙, 耍多思考, 閱讀理解佔分會比較重, 小一八+分以上都唔難.

如果小一每日去補習社最後先得 70-89分可以話太低分, 你到小四以後點算,. 要幫小朋友應該星期六日用一至兩小時温書,  ...


由個囡K1返學第一日我已經同佢咁樣講, 升上p1之後希望佢真係可以做到啦!

Rank: 2

發表於 10-7-13 15:11 |只看該作者
My kid just completed P1 and will be promoted to P2 this September.  

From SPK to SPC, we are better off than others as everything are familiar such as school, classmates and uniform etc.  One difference is the teaching language and you need more self-discipline.  SPC uses English in all classes except Chinese.  Homework?  Not many and not difficult.  She can finish most by herself.

To me and my kid, the first two months were critical.
It took her sometime to live with the changes and after all, things looked ok.
Her 1st term result was ok and improved in the 2nd term.

We are working couple.
I have to say thanks to my wife who really spent time with my girl e.g. reviews her homework, reads books with her and assists her to prepare the dictations and examinations...

We didn’t send her to any tutorials as we didn’t see the needs.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-16 18:58 |只看該作者
當小朋友從幼稚園到一年級時, 他們對於生活規範與生活能力的学習, 並非我們大人想像得如此簡單. 很多事情都要自己處理. 如自己整理書包, 檢查作業, 簽名等. 回到学校又要適應每課不同老師和差不多四十位,可說是新的同學.
又如老師吩咐的作業, 他們是怎樣記下呢想請教家長, 小朋友在初期是怎樣適應過渡? 那方面比較困難?

妹妹豬 齊來做個好朋友)

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-7 09:51 |只看該作者
好同意,如果小一就補習, 小四點算!?點解自已唔同佢跟下D功課?

補習社一定同你講D功課好difficault, 唔補習一定死...etc. 仲話人人都找佢地補,快D報名,好快無位等。

聽下聽下,自已無乜自信的家長就乖乖比$$, 你唔補,佢地食乜呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-20 12:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 icehsu 於 10-9-7 09:51 發表
好同意,如果小一就補習, 小四點算!?點解自已唔同佢跟下D功課?

補習社一定同你講D功課好difficault, 唔補習一定死...etc. 仲話人人都找佢地補,快D報名,好快無位等。

聽下聽下,自已無乜自信的家長就乖乖比$$, 你唔補,佢地食 ...


踏入第3個星期, so far功課上同學習上未見個囡pick up唔到, 佢仲返得好開心!  開頭都擔心maths堂老師用英文教佢會聽唔明, 但竟然佢話明, 仲嫌maths淺過頭淺過K3! 反而普通話堂佢就話有d聽唔明, 不過我相信小朋友好快會適應到.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-23 18:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 rickoricko 於 10-1-29 05:15 發表
But after reading yr reply, it makes me feel worry and anxious!  

Take it easy!

Now k3already finshed half term!  Do u know which tutorials are gd?

Yip Sir in Hong Yi...My kid finished all the 1st ...

Hi rickoricko,

Please check pm.  
Many thanks.
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