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"蒙特梭利"教具可以協助輕度自閉的小朋友 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-12 00:29 |只看該作者


我最近買了一套"蒙特梭利"教具給我的兒子, 那個consultant 告訴我, 這教具她也賣了一套給一個有輕度自閉的家長, 而這個小朋友現時四歲, 她又告訴我, 其實這些家長更加需要一這工具, 透過和小朋友玩耍而引發他學會日常生活的秩序感, 手眼協調, 構通能力等等. 其實我對這方面沒有太多認識, 但聴見她這樣說, 所以在這個特殊教育里發表.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-12 11:51 |只看該作者

Re: "蒙特梭利"教具可以協助輕度自閉的小朋友

Totally agree with you JackMon.

Montessori was a doctor and she had worked with children kept in the mental hospital.  She took them out from the mental hospital and put them in a children's home.  She discovered that these "handicapped" children were also capable of learning and gave them various self-made materials for them to play/experience with.  With her intensive care, some of these children could attend ordinary school after 2 years and passed exams without difficulty.

It was after this that she recollected her experience and observations and developed what we called "Montessori approach".  

Under Montessori approach, children are given the chance to freely choose what they want to do/play and through these exercises to absorb various concepts with their absorbent mind.  This education approach is applicable to anybody.  But the one-to-one attention given to the individual child is particularly suitable for children with special needs.

Thanks to the hint of Ekiip, I have been searching for Montessori books and have ordered a couple, namely, Basic Montessori: Learning Activities for Under-Fives, and Teaching montessori in the Home, the Pre-School Years.  There are many different activities with vivid illustrations that we can easily do at home.  I am only half way through the books but they enlighten me that there are so much that I can do at home.  I've tried a few on my daughter and she loves them.  Just like Mdm Yim's methods.

I really highly recommend the Montessori approach to any parents/guardians/care takers.  There is a very informative and resourceful website and I noted from 教育小組.  One may click the following to view it.   Montessori Home School

However, I still think whether we can spend quality time with our children and pay attention to them is of utmost importance.  With care, any teaching material would work.  Otherwise, nothing would work.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-12 16:28 |只看該作者

Re: "蒙特梭利"教具可以協助輕度自閉的小朋友

What is included in the teaching material?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-15 21:53 |只看該作者

Re: "蒙特梭利"教具可以協助輕度自閉的小朋友

其實我對自閉症不太了解, 只知道這些小朋友的行為與其他小朋友的行了有偏差, 對日常生活的秩序感出了問題或對某一東西重複又重複, 又或是語言遲緩等, 而我買這套教具時, 個consultant 對我說的, 他們要一些日常生活方面的教育, 而這套教具對較小(我細仔20個月)的孩子也可以使用是作為提早對數, 邏輯思維, 概念方面的訓練.

而對那個consultant所說的case是因為這套材是用durable plastic 做的, 可以安全及長久使用, 所以如果是自閉的小朋友, 可能他們會對某一個課題要重複又重複使用及教, 例如好像使用秩序咭, 對我的細仔來說, 是供他自由發揮去表達內面的內容, 而對自閉的小朋友是要知道日常生活的應有秩序.


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