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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 External tutoring or resources suitable for IB stude ...
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[其他] External tutoring or resources suitable for IB students? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 24-4-30 15:42 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Want to see if there are any recommendations on external tutoring or resources that are suitable for IB students?
Similar to the situation of another recent post in this forum, my child is current in a PYP school and will be transitioning to a MYP curriculum soon.  
Unfortunately, the nature of the PYP program meant the "fundamentals" of many foundational subjects (in particular, Maths) are relatively weak.  
I think there are many references on early challenges transitioning into MYP due to lack of "fundamentals".
Therefore, would like to see if there are any good recommendations out there that can help?
1) External tutoring that is appropriate to IB students? i.e. non-local based programs, which are usually far more advanced in these "fundamentals" at the same age (due to different teaching focus of IB vs Local)?
2) Resources that parents can use? I have bought some English-based books, usually from Singapore, but given its a textbook, there are still lack of explanations to really teach the student, unless the parent has a lot of time to teach.

Many Thanks
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發表於 24-4-30 20:06 |只看該作者
Did u try the platform of Khan Academy? Self learning for free.
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