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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 經過一輪interview, 究竟 d 學校係揀學生定係家長多d ?? ...
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經過一輪interview, 究竟 d 學校係揀學生定係家長多d ?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-6 03:46 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我個女IN 左5間, 有2間收左 (SC, CREATIVE), 1間WAITING LIST (KV), 1間REJECT (SOKA)...自己覺得囡囡都好叻, 去到間間都差不多答晒D問題, 只係去SC, 有20% 問題答錯, 所以覺得其實家長既對答, 對小朋友期望, 同埋當日INTERVIEW 衣著打扮, 都好影响結果, 以個人為例:

囡囡答問題80分, 有D仲答錯, 我自己都係答得好“行”可能係第一間interview, 準備不足又緊張, 不過我同囡囡都有打扮吓, 自己有化裝, 老公仲話我地駛唔駛咁緊張, 不過去到學校入去INTERVIEW ROOM, 都有老師讚佢“pretty girl"...

KV (waiting list)
囡囡果part 自己比佢都100分, 答得有多無少, 都唔知係咪太多野講, 我自己果PART覺得都答得OK, 一定比去SC答得好...等我仲有好大希望, 點知WAITING LIST, 不過果日我地就一般打扮, 囡囡著褲, 我自己係JEANS (CASUAL WEAR)無化裝 因為聽人講呢間學校唔太CONCERN呢D野, 依家諗緊會唔會係比人覺得太CASUAL

SOKA (reject letter)
基本上同去KV一樣, 我地既對答(我同囡囡)衣著打扮都同去KV差不多, 唯一既分別係老公都有入去, 不過佢唔多講野, 人地問佢既問題只係好簡單咁答, 我估呢個都係其中一個原因佢REJECT我地

其實我地都覺得SC 係比較適合我囡囡EVEN KV收, 都會揀SC.., 就算其他唔收, 都不太緊要, 只係有d disappointed, 不過都好想知自己衰咩, 到升小果時又要INTERVIEW, 都可以準備好D
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-6 18:09 |只看該作者
i dont think we need to wear too "hang".  I think just 整齊should be fine.  To me, I also dont know the selection citeria but i think 隨緣 and treat as a experience is ok.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 00:25 |只看該作者
My kids go accepted by KV and waiting list for SC.   My girl did everything well in her interviews even better in SC.   My boy was didn't react favorably when bump by other kids in the group play section of SC interview.   My boy is probably more smarter then my girl at the same age (probably largely due to having an older sibling to copy).   My boy got 4/4 offers and 1 waiting, similarly my girl 1 waiting, 1 reject and other offers.

We dress clean smart casual simple colors, nothing to fancy or loud, to all interviews as respect to the teachers and to present a balance presentation.   

I think KV put much importance to parents involvement with their kids as revision is highly stressed by KV teachers as such I think they prefer at least one non-working parents, but I know many KV kids with both parents working.

[ 本帖最後由 smartmatt 於 09-12-7 00:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 01:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 cwng3 於 09-12-6 18:09 發表
i dont think we need to wear too "hang".  I think just 整齊should be fine.  To me, I also dont know the selection citeria but i think 隨緣 and treat as a experience is ok.

I think the schools does not only look for correct answers but also in the way the answers were given - performance.  

This year the odds for KV and SC were about 10:1, so many many smart kids got onto the WL or rejected.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-7 07:57 |只看該作者
To understand the selection criteria during an interview, the importance will be to look at it from the angle of the kindergarten, but not from the subjective angle of our own.

Before we get into the details, first a common misunderstanding is parents tend to focus on how many questions the children can answer, and answered correctly.  This is not a useful indication of whether a child can be accepted.

As parents, we may look for simple rationale based on our own past school experience and use a simple marking method to assess whether a child performed well - judging by the number of correct answers.  However, the teachers have no such criteria on their evaluation and they are looking for other quality like responsiveness, manners, social skills, and communication skills, etc.

Moreover, while many of us may believe a fair interview should only be assessing the children but not the parents, this may not be the case.  If we stand in the shoes of a kindergarten, do you think it is easier to assess a child alone, or using the parents as references of how the child will be brought up?

As parents, we are part of how the children's development.  Don't misunderstand the education level or job could be used for consideration in all kindergartens.  I do think some kindergartens would use them as a critiera (otherwise they won't asked for these information!) but sometimes it is depends on the manners and sincerity during the parents' interview.  Also, whether your reasons to apply and expectation is consistent with the kindergarten philosophy.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-7 11:58 |只看該作者
我覺得各方面好重要.我和仔仔 IN  KV個日都有幇仔仔打扮吓,老師都有讚佢几型仔,和父母答問題都重要.兩方面都要配合.不過IN SOKA  就病佐發燒無去到.
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