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Do you think there is a problem? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-22 11:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My son started to recognise English words when he was 5 after he had a good grab of phonics.  He is now 6.  When he does his writing, he writes out the sound instead of the actual words.  I can understand what he writes but he gets about 50% of the words right, i.e. the dolch words or dolch phrases.  He can sort of write creative and coherent stories if you just listen to them instead of reading them.  

He is very lazy so I can't get him to practice spelling.  He doesn't like reading that much and he watches a lot of TV.  Any advice please?
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-25 10:24 |只看該作者
Hi Gisele,
Have you discussed with his teacher yet? It's best to get a view from someone dealing with so many children in a year.

Based on what you described, your son's listening skill in English must be pretty good. The natural sequence of mastering a language is often, listening, speaking, reading then writing. He may not be 'lazy' in practising reading and writing. I would rather think he likes to do what he is good at (listening and speaking) and not motivated enough to develop new skills (reading and writing). Watching TV is easy because he can get the message through what he is good at i.e. listening.

You may want to play some games with him while teaching him to read. Interest is the greatest educator. If he is interested in the games, he will be motivated to learn to read. Try to be positive and praise his effort each time he spell a word correctly. Don't criticize him when he spell a word wrongly, just gently remind him how to spell it correctly. To motivate him to write, may be you can get him a pen-pal. Children love to receive their own letters.

There are many exceptions in Phonics rules so even he has learned phonics, he does not necessarily know how to spell correctly. For those that he is not good at spelling, he has to learn them as sight words to avoid confusion.

Just my 2 cents.

原帖由 Gisele 於 10-1-22 11:44 發表
My son started to recognise English words when he was 5 after he had a good grab of phonics.  He is now 6.  When he does his writing, he writes out the sound instead of the actual words.  I can unders ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-1-25 14:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 Gisele 於 10-1-22 11:44 發表
My son started to recognise English words when he was 5 after he had a good grab of phonics.  He is now 6.  When he does his writing, he writes out the sound instead of the actual words.  I can unders ...

Which school is your child in?

One "methodology" of teaching writing is "free form writing" (hope I had written down the correct term.) This is still used quite widely in western schools.

Children are allowed to write whatever is in their mind. Teachers merely look for ideas and story. Children are allowed to write the words by sounding them out. So "I no hw to right" may actually mean "I know how to write".

May be such "habit" was developed at school? I know that children will get better with spelling the correct word gradually. If you are very concerned, talk to the teacher.

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 10-1-25 14:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-25 14:46 |只看該作者
Yes, there're many exception in the world of "Phonics", so there're a world of "sight words".  Most schools with westerner as the teachers will accept the way that your kid is doing so not to discourage the kids from learning, unlike the Chinese way in HK that emphasis on grammars.  At least these children know the sounds pretty well.  So reading more books and putting the words in writing will definitely help them to improve.  In western countries and some non-traditional schools in HK, children learn writing basically the way that nintendo has just described.  So not to discourage kids from writing their ideas out.  However country like UK recognises that kids are not doing good at spelling, so the gov't starts to introduce Phonics.

But the pt is your kid doesn't like much about reading but watching TV , I personally think this is the major hinderance.  So gradually cutting short his watching TV time, and increasing his time with Books is essential.  Like those western kids, although they don't do spelling so well at early ages, but they read a lot.  Grab those books that interests him most.  Here will come a long discussion about the struggles about TV........

[ 本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 10-1-25 14:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-1-26 18:14 |只看該作者
It is very normal if your son learns Phonics at school, he writes according to sound and not the real spelling.   You said he is very 'lazy' so if you correct him every time he writes, then he might as well say "ok you do it then", right?  Dont worry too much about it and may try correcting him gradually.  

But it is a completely different issue to watching too much tv.  If one can access to TV whenever he wants, be an adult or child, he of course wants to watch it all the time.  He is so young so he needs to be guided.  See if you can create a better reading environment for him.
love you for you

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-27 16:21 |只看該作者
Hi JTmom

Thanks a lot for your ideas.  I have tried on-line games with my son.  As soon as he finds out that the game has something to do with spelling, he would declare it boring and stop playing!!

His teacher does not seem to find it a problem as his English is relatively better than his classmates.  He has little problem with comprehension and filling in the blank as he can tell the answers from his instinct.  When it comes to spelling, e.g. being asked to suggest or write words that start with certain letter, he can score zero!!

原帖由 JTmom 於 10-1-25 10:24 發表
Hi Gisele,
Have you discussed with his teacher yet? It's best to get a view from someone dealing with so many children in a year.

Based on what you described, your son's listening skill in English m ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-27 16:33 |只看該作者
We put our son in a local primary.  We feel that he should learn more Chinese as we will be relocating in a few years' time.

I have also heard some friends whose children are in international school saying that it would be alright for them to express their ideas by sounding them out first.   My concern is that if my son keeps on doing this, it affects his academic performance.  One day he may even become a native speaker who can't even write properly.

原帖由 nintendo 於 10-1-25 14:11 發表

Which school is your child in?

One "methodology" of teaching writing is "free form writing" (hope I had written down the correct term.) This is still used quite widely in western schools.

Children ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-27 16:36 |只看該作者
It is very difficult to get my son to read more than 3 minutes.  He starts to yawn badly after a few lines!  He is only interested in the pictures, not the words.

原帖由 daisy17772 於 10-1-25 14:46 發表
Yes, there're many exception in the world of "Phonics", so there're a world of "sight words".  Most schools with westerner as the teachers will accept the way that your kid is doing so not to discoura ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-27 16:54 |只看該作者
I normally pick only a few words out of the whole lot.  When I correct him, he says, it's o.k... I like it that way...etc.

When we are at home with him, we don't turn on the telly all the times.  But he asks to watch it whenever he has done something nice.  He asks to watch it before he leaves for school.  And he spends another one hour or two watching TV before we return home!  He has loads of DVDs, from musicals, movies to TV series.

I am always the one who was turning off the telly.  His dad just let him coz sometimes he would write an alternative ending after watching a Doctor who episode.  His dad thinks it's funny...

原帖由 Mighty 於 10-1-26 18:14 發表
It is very normal if your son learns Phonics at school, he writes according to sound and not the real spelling.   You said he is very 'lazy' so if you correct him every time he writes, then he might a ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 22:57 |只看該作者
Hi Gisele,

If his teacher finds it okay, maybe you shouldn't worry too much.

When you move overseas and if his spelling hasn't improved by then, try look for something called "The Spelling Bee Contest" and let him watch the broadcast on TV. By seeing how others compete in spelling competition, he may be driven by his competitive instinct to do better.


原帖由 Gisele 於 10-1-27 16:21 發表
Hi JTmom

Thanks a lot for your ideas.  I have tried on-line games with my son.  As soon as he finds out that the game has something to do with spelling, he would declare it boring and stop playing!!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-29 13:51 |只看該作者
I think the problem stems from learning phonics without doing enough application, i.e. reading.

Phonics is nothing but a tool for someone to learn to read. You SEE the word and you can SOUND it out. Applying phonics in reverse is not that straight forward, most of the SOUNDS you wrote down might not be the correct word (your problem).

The only way to help is to read more. TV and online games are definitely no good for someone to develop a reading habit. After all, how can pages of words compete against motion pictures, sound effects, and music combined.

At 6, it's alright to misspell some words but if he avoids or refuse to learn the correct spelling, than it is a problem.
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