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教育王國 討論區 保良局蔡繼有學校 questions........
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questions........ [複製鏈接]

發表於 10-7-1 09:48 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-8 12:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 sstreet06 於 10-7-1 09:48 發表
hope some parents can help me out with a few questions i have concerning CKY

1. other than school fee, is there anything extra cost?

2. what is book fee? pay once a year?

3. i see many fundraising  ...

hi sstreet06
think some of yr question s/b mentioned in seminar..
i try to give u some idea...

1/ instrument fee is $3950 per year, 1 lesson per week.

2/i dont have actual figure with me, just from memory  the book fees around $1000/+ per semester which includes also project files,worksheets, misc..etc.
There is also rental book scheme of around $200 per eng & chi subject per sem. school purchases the theme book and use it for 3 years.

3/School encourages parents' support in fund-raising however it's not compulsory. Various fund-raising like concert, raffle-tickets... parents can option to donate even with some minimum of $100.

4/2 teachers for lower levels, 1 for chi/poutongha, 1 for eng. some class with 1 more (eg.PE or training-teacher).
Eng teacher is usually net or studied aboard, they only speak eng at school.

5/year 1 class : cantonese for chinese lesson, appx.2 lessons of PTH per week.

6/lower levels do lunch in classroom, can bring own lunch box or purchase from lunch service provider.
Upper levels (guess yr 6 or7 onwards)can do lunch at open hall at G/Floor.

7/extra-curriculum activities (ECA) is optional, like dance, drama, lego, art... ETC is on saturday AM, 10 lessons per sem, costs a couple of hundreds.
School swim team is also optional, they plan to do it after school approx twice a week costs around $120-140per lesson in average.

8/ homework everyday, not plenty of writing, some needs parents' help in searching internet.
for year 1/2, teachers will walk thru the worksheet so kids understand what/how they should do (..well.. sometimes they cant remember all when got home thou..)

9/ Usually class teachers teaches 2 subjects, like science, arts, IT.. esp for lower levels.

CKY has school remission scheme for those who have difficulty in meeting tuition fees or activity fees, h/ever studuent must perform certain standard (academic & social conduct) in order to obtain school's recommendation.


Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-16 12:03 |只看該作者
Actually, these questions have been repeatedly asked and asked by people in this CKY section. There are plenty of resources here with abundant input of many parents.
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