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SC vs York [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-21 00:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
my son is studying in PN and PN students can go to K1 international stream. All PN schoolmates loves the class. I like they can provide academic training for all areas, and getting Cambridge English Test Starters.But some mummys said it is too harsh for kids and too many homework, need mummys help doing the homework even.

We get offer from SC, Eng/Cantonese, p.m. session. Mummys said it gives space for kids to develop themselves have motiviation and build up confidence, but no homework in K1, and syllbus is easier than Yo to rk and some teachers are without heart to kids. But it is famous so many P1 schools like it.

Struggling for months and can't sleep well for weeks, thinking this question day and night and even in a dream.

Can anyone give me some advice? as we have to confirm which school we choose before 1st July.

Thank you very much.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-21 12:03 |只看該作者
I will choose YORK, coz my daughter will join K1 international class this year!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-21 12:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 dwkw333 於 12-6-21 12:59 編輯
momo627 發表於 12-6-21 00:49
my son is studying in PN and PN students can go to K1 international stream. All PN schoolmates loves ...

Take it easy. You need to learn how to justify. You will face similar struggling situations in future for Primary or Secondary school selection.

If you ask SC's parents, they may vote SC.
If you ask York's parents, they may vote York.

Think about what you want and prioritize the items. See if SC or York can fulfill your requirments. BTW, what's the opinion of your spouse? It is not your responsibility solely...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-22 00:35 |只看該作者
thanks for mummys advice.

Personally I surely want my son learn more so that he can adapt to P1. Even without the Cambridge Cert. yet he will learn sth. throughout the training. But if it is too pushy and too many homework, kids may get scared and don't want to go to school (there are cases as I heard).

On the other hand, all of my friends pick SC due to its good reputation. Just read the thread in SC, many kids in Eng/Cantonese stream will speak in cantonese, but those in Eng/PHT will speak either in Eng or PHT. I am worry about this as we are in the former case, but we want our son to speak more in English.

And yes, agree with dwkw333, I met SC and York mummys, they vote for their schools. I understand this is normal as there is no comparison, and the 2 schools aim at different thing:York aim at academic result but may lead the kids to focus on win/loss; SC brings happy life to kids, training on self caring and build up their confidence and good ethics. Its reputation is good. However, if he really speak in cantonese all the time, I am really worry. I am not saying speaking in mother language is not good, but more practice in reality in English helps kids' speaking English.

To me, surely I do want acadmenic result, but not too push and many homework, my son will one day hate doing homework and get scared of going to school. On the other hand, I admire SC's ethics, self caring and building up their confidence, and so bad we are not in PHT/Eng class, though I write to SC request for it but no response (do you think I can go there to ask as SC teachers seem a bit "inch" and don't like answering parents questions even on the phone)

Of course I can pick SC, then taking Maths, Eng, Phonics, PHT before and after school but surely it is less effective that those studying 5 days a wk whereas our course is 1 day/wk. And take those art, music, sport,etc. class on weekends, but my son and I will feel tired.

So, I can get a conclusion. My hb doesn't like talking too much, he doesn't even listen to my views though I repeat N times, so he asks me to make decision. Is it really SC kids need taking so many courses and speak in cantonese (as they are famous in speaking English)? If really they speak in Cantonese, I will vote for York.

I don't have much time to make decision as Yorks PN teachers told I have to make up my mind before this Sat, as porfoilo (results on my son performance) will be released this Fri, I can take it to senior level or the Principal this Fri or Sat to ask if I can have the chance to go back to York as I haven't paid for any registration fee.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-22 00:41 |只看該作者
回復 cowcow826 的帖子

will you worry if there will be many homework and too pushy, unlike PN as they can enjoy the class and singing songs. As I know the princpal aim at getting Cambridge starters in K2 and movers in K3, and I have read the exam paper of starters, it is really hard, even for me to understand the questions and do or pick right answer in 25 min, and out of 25 questions, you have to get 24 right to get 5 marks for that part.

Yes, I understand why you choose York, as we have the same experience and almost all classmates including my son are happy in the class and they can put what they want them to learn into songs so there is no pressure. And all of them love their teachers and don't want to go home.

My hb is also worry if my son will feel sad when he sees all new faces, new environment in new school and all his friends are not there. And thats why I struggle.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-22 13:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 dwkw333 於 12-6-22 13:23 編輯
momo627 發表於 12-6-22 00:35
thanks for mummys advice.

Personally I surely want my son learn more so that he can adapt to P1. Ev ...


You mentioned that you want academic result. Have you check the Primary school placement result of York? If the result is satisfactory, it means the "academic result" can help. Then just go for York as it seems you prefer York more.

Peope always say "There is no best school. There is only most suitable school". Anyway, respect your decision and let your kid enjoy the school life. Good luck!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-6-22 23:54 |只看該作者
Don't worry about academic level of York, my niece was graduated from York, now studying at LS, and he is coping well with his primary life.  


sysy474  LS is which shcool .....I'm also interesting in York ...so wanna know more about it ! Thx  發表於 12-10-6 03:28

Rank: 2

發表於 12-6-25 11:59 |只看該作者
no good feeling with York after interview. a colleage of mine taking another KG also.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-6-26 06:54 |只看該作者
Vote for SC

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-26 08:01 |只看該作者

回覆:momo627 的帖子

Everyone situation is different, I face same dilemma, but I have released the Can/eng PM offer from St Cat last week and when my hb cancelled the autopay from bank, the staff said why u give up? It is so difficult to get in.  (so this is word of month but no pressure if u know what u need)I compared the existing school (ur case is York) and St Cat and I appreciate st cat teaching system and English standard but these elements I can also get from my existing school, SC is just more famous, but my existing school provides small class learning with caring teachers and staffs and familiar faces, these are incomparable with sc, I finally made my own choice and send withdraw letter to sc, bear in mind they require registered mail and school fee will be deducted in July if u don't send letter.

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