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LeapPad Books [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-3-8 15:10 |只看該作者

LeapPad Books


請問有沒有人用過LeapPad Books?可否分享心得!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-8 17:21 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


How old is your kid?  I am using the basic version, the one without the writing exercise.

發表於 06-3-8 17:46 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books

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發表於 06-3-8 19:04 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books

我個女將快三歲了,現在讀PN,之前我們買了DWE給她,她都很吸收,學得很快,也很好,於是正考慮買DWE出的同樣是LeapPad一大套東西,但要$11200,太貴吧!之後,有次偶然在反斗城看到有同一出版社出的LeapPad Learning System $399.9,另LeapPad Books $99.9 each。上網看過她們的書,覺得都OK,只是轉了一個意念便諗,如之前所說,怕她太早接觸了這類新事物,之後對一般書本會沒興趣。


Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-8 20:04 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


IC.  For me, I treat LeapPad as one of the books in my shelf, I don't use it very often, if my girl wants to read the LeapPad books, I just read it with her together.  If you buy LeapPad, you will still let your girl reads regular books, right?  If so, no need to worry about "怕她太早接觸了這類新事物", kids are just sponges who can absorb anything, I just worry about "learning too late" and never "learning too early".  If they are not ready for the new items, they will show/tell you.  You can then show them later.

Tips: I think you can order the LeapPad books directly from the distributor, they could offer you better price.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-9 11:24 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


多謝您的分享!請問以您的經驗,市面上有很多的CD+Books或VCD/DVD+Books,會否比買LeapPad Books給小孩閱讀故事更好?除了GoGo,因她的學校都有間中播放,所以或者我不會買相同的東西給我囡囡,咁有什麼好的教材,可補DWE的不足?

我老公話,一來DWE的LeapPad太貴,有點不值之餘,又來來去去都是重覆那四個主題,不如學下其他東西,不要只接觸Mickey Mouse咁單調。

如我沒有記錯,您好像都有買DWE的產品,您對她的LeapPad評價如何?Thank you!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-9 12:01 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


I don't have much expr      I also learn from the BK mums here.

>> 市面上有很多的CD+Books或VCD/DVD+Books,會否比買LeapPad Books給小孩閱讀故事更好?

My personal feeling is that LeapPad's 可伸展性 is quite limited to the LeapPad's existing set of books, also, it is not really a book, it is like a toy for which the kids can play and respond.  If your focus is developing reading habit, I prefer the regular books, CDs/DVDs are just optional.

>> 咁有什麼好的教材,可補DWE的不足?

DWE lacks of books, it is too much "video-oriented".  So, I bought lots of books for my baby, I would say she now spends less than 5% of her time on DWE, and 50% on books and 45% on outdoor activities.  For books (my girl is 19m old), I like DK board books, Eric Carle's books, Baby Einstein books, Barney/Elmo/Maisy, etc....  Recently, she starts "Inquizitive", "Step into Reading", and many others I bought here and there...

>> 您對她的LeapPad評價如何?

I know nothing about DWE's LeapPad.  As I have an old simple LeapPad given by a relative, so, I will not buy it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-9 12:28 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


瞥開 DWE 唔講, 您買書比囡囡係咪用咗好多錢? 因為我覺得喺香港買童書真係好貴, 好肉痛, 最衰係驚買咗亞仔唔睇        

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-9 12:56 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


Luckily, my baby loves all the books that I bought.  I am very "Ah Q", I always think like this:

- going to "Yum Cha" costs $200, if I save this $200, I could buy 20 packs of $10 picture cards

- going to an overseas trip costs $5000-8000, if I save this money, I could buy at least 100 books (each costs $50-80).

- buying brand-name clothes and accessories are expensive, if I save this money, I could buy this and that for my baby


So, actually, reading books (plus buying/borrowing books) during leisure time saves more money than doing other "expensive activities" like going to restaurants/trips.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-9 13:00 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


You really cheer me up         Thanks a lot.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-9 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


>>  最衰係驚買咗亞仔唔睇

(1) I usually buy books which my baby wants/expects, i.e. fits her level and I know she will be happy if she gets that.  E.g. once she saw the Madagascar movie, and I know she loves it, so, I bought the Madagascar book for her.  She can now say the word "Madagascar" accurately and named the 4 animals in the movie - Alex, Gloria, Marty and Melman.

(2) And, I think it is our responsibility to create the "environment" which attracts our babies to read the books we bought.  E.g. when i bought GoGo, I just put the box set in the living room and did not play the disc.  I told her, "Oh, this is GoGo...", and pointed to the GoGo picture on the box.  For a few days, she started to say "GoGo" and pointed to the box, then, I let her watch the video.  She was soooo excited when she saw GoGo "moving" in the video   

There are always different tricks/tips for us to use    

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-9 14:18 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


Thanks for your sharing,  Maybe I used the wrong method before.  It is because I bought plenty of books at different levels and I showed him all at one time, so that's why he seems he is not interested in reading them, even the pictures      Now, is it better for me to put those at higher levels into the locker and don't let him know and show them to him later.  Please advise   

發表於 06-3-9 15:26 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-9 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


見您換咗囡囡張新相, 成個唔同咗, 大過咗好多呀     

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-9 16:21 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books

Small_Cloud 寫道:

then you can try bringing him to library, and see what he likes, or bring him to the bookshop with you, and let him choose his own book~~

and I think Fisher Price Power Touch is better, as you don't need to use the pen, and don't have to touch the green go circle all the time (before you start a page), it is easier for kids to start off with~~ I have bought the LF, but I have tried PT, and I will buy PT soon~~
我叫 Stephenie, 2003年係澳門山頂醫院出世架!我重40磅, 高110厘米. 我係07年2月正式自然離乳啦, 但係我都做左3年零10個月人奶bb~

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-9 21:43 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books


>>  is it better for me to put those at higher levels into the locker and don't let him know and show them to him later.

Umm... for me, I usually put some new and some old books together, she could pick whatever she wants to read.  From time to time, I will change the position of the books, and add some new and remove some old.  As long as the books are suitable for her age, I let her read them.

Babies need "satisfaction" and "reinforcement", if they do something right or understand some new concepts, they will be very happy and will continue repeating the same process.  E.g. if I am going to teach her the letter "M" with a book, I will "pre-announce" this "M" earlier, like pointing to McDonald and say "Look, M is for McDonald"; hide the other magnetic letters on the whiteboard and leave only the "M", ask her what is on the whiteboard....  After a few days, when we started to read the book about "M", she was very excited as she "knew" this letter already, and she showed a very "proud" face  

Let's open another topic to share the teaching expr, as seem like we are far too......  off-topic       

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-20 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: LeapPad Books

small cloud,
Reading requires a lot of concentration so dont forget to pay attention on his attention.
If he cant stay in one place or one activity for too long, it will be hard for him to learn to read.
Anything can catch his attention and keep him interested will be good books (either paper or electronic).
Dont worry too much as your son will tell you what level he is at (he wont read books that he doesnt understand or not interested in).
I dont think expensive books are always good.
Hoyin loves the spot what book at lot (read everyday) and it costs only $4 dollars.
Encouragement and praises may work wonders!!!
Add oil and I m sure that your son will love reading soon (he has a good mum who wants to teach him).
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