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教育王國 討論區 中華基督教會協和小學 Heep Woh (AM) move to Cheung Sai Wan
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Heep Woh (AM) move to Cheung Sai Wan [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-7 14:11 |只看該作者

Heep Woh (AM) move to Cheung Sai Wan


From website, Heep Woh Prim School (AM) will move to Cheung Sai Wan in Yr 2009.  Afterthat, there's any connection with Secondary School.

I am considering should I apply this school for my son in the coming year?  Any information?


Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-13 16:02 |只看該作者
really?  how about "pm" school?
will Heep Woh change to "whole day" school then?

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-22 01:05 |只看該作者

Heep Woh(AM) move

原文章由 lindahmy 於 07-3-7 14:11 發表

From website, Heep Woh Prim School (AM) will move to Cheung Sai Wan in Yr 2009.  Afterthat, there's any connection with Secondary School.

I am considering should I apply this school for ...

Yes, nearly every year there's about 16 am and 16 pm
pupils wil be allocated to Ming Ying Secondary School(Band 1). quite a number of them was allocated to True Light Secondary School(Waterloo Road). However after the
school has moved to Cheung Sha Wan, there will be no connection with any secondary school.

However, nearly every year the graduates from the
school will have 60% of allocation to Band 1 secondary
schools and the pupils are quite well behaved.

If you have enough mone ot have some religious
background,you can apply for primary schools with English secondary because 80% of the pupils can be promoted
directly to their own secondary school.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-8-28 21:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 SEB 於 07-7-13 16:02 硐表
really?  how about "pm" school?
will Heep Woh change to "whole day" school then?

The AM school will move to Cheung Sha Wan new school building in 2009 and it will change to a full day school.

The PM school will remain in the Prince Edward Road
School and it will change to full day school in 2009 as well
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