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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 除了學費及名氣, 津校與直資/私校既分別 ...
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除了學費及名氣, 津校與直資/私校既分別 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-12 01:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
唔好意思.  想問問津校與直資/私校既分別 :直資/私校要比學費及名氣外, 課程跟師資等是否有距離 ?  可否講下你們選直資/私校而唔選津校既原因.
以下是我個人觀點, 唔知大家有無同感:

津校 :
學生較雜 (如多大6人仔女) 始終家教不一致, 與家長話不投機, 亦擔心自己仔女跟他們圍在一起

直資/私校 :
名氣 (同人講都大聲d)
學生 (多出自中產以上, 有階級之分; 所謂近朱者赤. 雖然有錢人也有壞份子, 但家庭環境能提供較優質資源, 讀書/興趣班排山倒海, 想學壞都難d; 相比大6人仔女/屋村仔女, 家庭環境不許, 只能通山跑,相對學壞機會多左)

除了以上幾點, 也很想很想知道師資/課程分別

這是個人觀點, 不起勿插
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 02:28 |只看該作者

1. 有自己收生權, 學生程度較為相若, 老師教學上會較易.

2. 學校可自行編制課程, 教學較靈活.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 08:31 |只看該作者
I share some of your views regarding the benefits of studying in DSS/private schools.  But as my boy has not been successful so far in the current round of interview excercises, I have been rethinking about the differences between DSS/private and govt/aided schools.
I am actually facing a dilemma myself.  While I also want my son to go to a school with students coming from similar family background, I myself was actually growing up in one of the public estates.  I went to primary and secondary schools near my home with classmates coming from China when they were little.  I got into univserity, together with some of my "mainland" classmates.  Most of us are doing fine today with respectable jobs and stable income - essentially upgrading us to the "middle-class" level.  
So I have been asking myself: why don't we want our kids to go through something similar?  I had pretty happy school life and turned out to be quite successful.  Is it really good for them to grow up with a bunch of well-protected midlle class kids?   
Anyone sharing the same situation with me out there?

原帖由 beemaggie221 於 08-10-12 01:49 發表
唔好意思.  想問問津校與直資/私校既分別 :直資/私校要比學費及名氣外, 課程跟師資等是否有距離 ?  可否講下你們選直資/私校而唔選津校既原因.
以下是我個人觀點, 唔知大家有無同感:

津校 :
學生較雜  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 08:42 |只看該作者



p.s. 大家可否不再用大陸人來形容新移民呢?除了原居民,大部份的香港人也都是"舊"新移民。而且新移民多,祇是學校整体成效不好的其中一個原因,我認為制度及资源分配所做成的影响更大。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 08-10-12 09:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 beemaggie221 於 08-10-12 01:49 發表
唔好意思.  想問問津校與直資/私校既分別 :直資/私校要比學費及名氣外, 課程跟師資等是否有距離 ?  可否講下你們選直資/私校而唔選津校既原因.
以下是我個人觀點, 唔知大家有無同感:

津校 :
學生較雜  ...





[ 本帖最後由 ChiChiPaPa 於 08-10-12 09:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-12 09:40 |只看該作者


所以我覺得教育官津學校的老師有難道(如果是春風化雨果的). 學生及其家庭背景各色其色.直資或私小的學生及其家庭背景大至同方向. 可以說是"自動波"學生.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-12 12:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 kaifu 於 08-10-12 08:31 發表
I share some of your views regarding the benefits of studying in DSS/private schools.  But as my boy has not been successful so far in the current round of interview excercises, I have been rethinking ...

曾經我既想法同你一樣, 因為自己身邊都有好多"mainland"既同學及朋友, 佢地既成就都唔差.  只不過今時唔同往日, 父母既家教對一個小朋友既成長占好大因素, 當日我地d同學仔既父母都好刻苦耐勞, 教出來既小朋友都好乖巧.  但而家好多佢地既父母懶惰, 成日想不勞而穫, 聲大又口臭.  我唔敢take 呢個risk, 第日自己既小朋友同得佢地多會唔會學左佢地既觀點.  到時就多多錢都補唔返.  如有講錯, 請多包容.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 15:07 |只看該作者
以前資訊無甘發達, d父母選學校基於咩野? 我亞媽就話最重係"近", 起身番學唔冼甘早,又可行路番學(最重要), 所以以前既普通官津小學校, 都有好多叻同勤力既小朋友係度讀, 社會有好多成材既人都係出自草根學校.
e+ 時移勢易, 父母有能力個個都搵間好學校, 至於咩野學校為好, 就每個人有5同既標準.
如果樓主安排自己以前間學校比自己小朋友讀番. 我同老公間小學已柝了, 而我地中學就係band3, (之前係band5, e+ upgrade了 ), 就知有mud 分別.

原帖由 kaifu 於 08-10-12 08:31 發表
I share some of your views regarding the benefits of studying in DSS/private schools.  But as my boy has not been successful so far in the current round of interview excercises, I have been rethinking ...

[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 08-10-12 15:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 15:31 |只看該作者
Side issue:

而我地中學就係band3, (之前係band5, e+ upgrade了 )

This is not upgrade but conversion.  There are only three bands nowadays so Band 5 before is equivalent to Band 3 today.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 17:44 |只看該作者
我自己小學係係地區名校讀, 其實我覺得老師教學係好公式化, 例行工事, 學期完都未認得哂全班學生既名, 只有好少數係有熱誠既老師. 到升中派位, 係咪都叫我地報dgs 呢類band 1學校, 多d人報, 搏下中既機會可以多d, 但係抽唔到既好似我咁, 結果就派左去第7志願, 一間好普通既中學, 一所咩階層都有既學校.  雖然我結果都大學畢業, 都有自己既事業, 算有一份好多人都羨慕既工, 不過過程係艱辛既, 因為學校既幫助唔大, 英文底子打得唔好, 所以要付出多人好多倍既努力先可以跟得上.

有以往既經驗, 我更加希望可以幫我小朋友搵到一間好既學校, 唔一定係要好有名氣, 而係可以提供到好既英語環境, 小班教學, 老師可以多d時間照顧每一位學生, 有老師既鼓勵同推動, 小朋友係會進展得快好多.  光係呢兩點, 一般既官律學校就比較難符合到我既要求, 所以都好喜幸政府推出左直資呢種新學校, 宜家揀學校的確比我地以前多左好多選擇, 既然有選擇當然係會盡可能幫小朋友揀一間比較好, 比較合適既學校.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 18:48 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 21:51 |只看該作者
side issue:
1. is it more difficult to get into DSS or good pulic school or subs. school? maybe DSS.eg. 2000 candidates competing for 150 seats in DSS while 800 compete for 150 seats in subs, school?

2. if there is no chance for DSS, maybe you get a better chance for public school, if those DSS announce acceptance earlier than government.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-12 23:12 |只看該作者
Dear siuwa,
I hope you don't teach this kind of values to your kids.  We have hired a couple of domestic helpers in the past.  They are both new immigrants from Mainland living in a nearby public estate, and the janitor working in our building also has a similar background.  To us, they are nothing like what  you described below.  I was deeply saddened by this kind of comments and I regret that I have brought this issue up here!

原帖由 siuwa 於 08-10-12 12:02 發表
"但而家好多佢地既父母懶惰, 成日想不勞而穫, 聲大又口臭."  

[ 本帖最後由 kaifu 於 08-10-12 23:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-13 00:22 |只看該作者
讓我補充小小.... 其實現在好多官津表面上好似跟足政府課程, 但實況不是的. 它們私底下會用一些叫worksheet 的課程教多/深d.  還有它們仲會辦很多課外課程 (琴棋書畫運動, 要咩有咩, 全力以赴....邊緣學校的老師/校長仲要做埋marketing & promotion!冇辦法啦, 要面對市場競爭, 保持地位, 又驚殺校. 做官津校的老師同校長真係好辛苦!
原帖由 ChiChiPaPa 於 08-10-12 09:05 發表

課程的分別:官津要跟足規定的課程。直資可自行設計課程,甚至可以不是六年小學、五年中學和兩年預科的學制,但最終要有大部分學生參加香港學制的考試,例子就是真道書院。私立學校可自行設計課程,甚至可以不應考香港學制的 ...

[ 本帖最後由 safarimama 於 08-10-13 00:51 編輯 ]
;-) :-o 8-) :-? :-P :-x

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-13 09:28 |只看該作者
some 津校 are as good as 直資/私校, my elder son is in 直資, now my younger son is in 津校, be honest with you, I think that 津校 is better than 直資. So if your child can get into a good 津校, don't waste money.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-13 09:45 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

私校/直資/官津...其他3種學校裡面都有分唔同level(校長/老師/家長/學生)既學校. 唔係一定邊種會好d.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-13 09:59 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-13 10:47 |只看該作者
邊私校用英文粗口, 國際學校機會大d,or屋企既人講英文.

原帖由 阿西 於 08-10-13 09:59 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-13 13:23 |只看該作者
There seems to be a myth among us that DSS/private schools in general offer higher quality education than govt/subsidized schools.  However, except for the very few brand-name schools which were converted from subsidized system recently, most of the other DSS/private schools are relatively new without really a "name".  While they may have very good resources like infrastructures and innovative teaching and ECA programs, their human resources may not be as strong as most parents think.  Most of their teachers are relatively new graduates and have little teaching experience.  Good and experienced teachers in the govt/subsidized schools are unlikely leave their jobs for the new DSS/private schools, otherwise they may lose their retirement benefits, among others. Almost all teachers in the DSS/private schools are on still contracts (renewed yearly), even after several years of teaching in the same school.  It may be easy to get rid of bad teachers but it is difficult to retain good teachers too.  Since their salary mechanisms are more flexible, some DSS/private schools can offer a much higher salary to recruit good teachers from another school.      
How about the through-train system as promoted by many of those schools as a selling point?
Again, those schools (except for DBS, DGS, Ying Wa, SPCC, etc) are new and have not produced any graduates for people to assess their high school qualities.  It may be too late to find out when our kids are in P4/5 that their through-train secondary school performs poorly in terms of university admission!
Please don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that those DSS/private schools are not worthy for us to apply.  Some of them will be successful, but only time can tell.  Since some parents (ourselves included) appeared to be very disappointed after their kids were rejected at the first round of interviews, I am trying to put forward some rational arguments for everyone to think positively.  To us, going through the interviews with our son has been a very rewarding experience.  We saw him growing up amazingly quickly during this period.  If handled properly, you can improve the relationship with your kids as you prepare the profolio and interviews with them.  
I hope everyone is enjoying this process and get the most out of it, even though your kid may not be very successful with the interviews.  Afterall, this is definitely more fun than going through the SARS period while you were expecting your babies!  
God bless the 2003 kids and their parents!

[ 本帖最後由 kaifu 於 08-10-13 13:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-13 14:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 kaifu 於 08-10-13 13:23 發表
There seems to be a myth among us that DSS/private schools in general offer higher quality education than govt/subsidized schools.  However, except for the very few brand-name schools which were conve ...

Three years ago, I was more or less in similar situation with you at the moment.
I only submitted applications to DBSPD, SPCC and APS for my son but he failed all.
To be honest, apart from these schools, I didn't consider any other primary school worth me paying the school fee (please excuse me if any parents here do not share my view).  
My son eventually entered a traditional subsidized school renowned for its 'toughness' and strong competition.
To my surprise, though my son's academic achievement does not measure up with his counterparts (indeed his performance is far below his classmates), he likes going to school every day.
I can see that he enjoys his school life very much.
It seems to me, therefore, that happy school life, one of the selling points for many DSSs/private schools, can also be found in traditional subsidized schools.  
To conclude, I agree with your view.

[ 本帖最後由 LLT 於 08-10-13 16:21 編輯 ]
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