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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St Joseph (Wanchai). What kind of school is it?
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St Joseph (Wanchai). What kind of school is it? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 20:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
As captioned, I would like to know what kind of school is it? I was told that this school has lots of homework. I believe my kid should be able to handle the homework, but I also want him to study in a happy and caring environment. Besides, he is quite an active boy and has a little bit of talent in Athletics, does the school provide such a platform for him to work up to his potential?

My kid also has an offer from a private school which I believe can nurture my kid in a happy and caring environment. $$ is also one of my concerns, but I don't wanna trade off a good study environment solely with money.

Any parents who have their kids studying in St Joseph share their experience with me?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 23:12 |只看該作者
would any parent mind sharing your experience?

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-8 23:44 |只看該作者
Hi Sheepiedad,

Nice to meet you!
I saw from other topic that you got 1st choice (St. Joseph) for central allocation and so do I.

I also have the concern as you do and I saw from other forum that St. Jo P.1 will only have 4-5 homework per day.

Which private school you got an offer? I also have a back up but I think I will definitely go for St. Jo.

Btw, few of my frans were old boys of St. Jo and they are all professionals. I trust St. Jo is good school but of course, all depends on the child themselves.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-9 05:26 |只看該作者
Hi nayvaj,

Thanks for your information.

I know St Joseph is a good school. Just that as you said it depends on how they match each other. And that's why I would like to know if the school could offer a happy and caring environment to his students as well as a platform for athletic talent.

Many schools in HK do offer such an environment. Just that different parents may have different opinion on the same school. So all references from all of you here could help me to evaluate this school and make the most appropriate decision accordingly.

原帖由 nayvaj 於 09-6-8 23:44 發表
Hi Sheepiedad,

Nice to meet you!
I saw from other topic that you got 1st choice (St. Joseph) for central allocation and so do I.

I also have the concern as you do and I saw from other forum that St. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-9 21:08 |只看該作者
Hi nayvaj,

Have you registered today?


Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-9 23:38 |只看該作者
Hi Sheepiedad,

Yes I did and I was told that nearly everyone has already registered and there are tons of profiles seeking for a placement... some parents even started waiting from 6:30 am for Headmistress.

How about you? Have you made up your mind.
Honestly, if I am you, I will definitely register with St. Jo. At least, I can reserve the money (6 years of primary school fee) for his future use or in case family needed. You know the economy is not good now and I think there will not be much difference between St. Jo and private school.

Hope you don't mind I am being "Long air"

原帖由 sheepiedad 於 09-6-9 21:08 發表
Hi nayvaj,

Have you registered today?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-10 01:25 |只看該作者
Hi Nayvaj,

You are absolutely right. St Jo is 'free-of-charge' and as I mentioned earlier $$ is one of my concerns. So I have already registered this afternoon.

I think you are right that almost everyone have registered cos when I registered, I could see that almost all students on the list have been registered (with a check on the right). I may be the last one who registered

Wish my boy a happy and fruitful primary school life

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-10 23:52 |只看該作者

回覆 7# sheepiedad 的文章

What time you arrived? I only register late in the afternoon as I thought afternoon school only register from 2-5 pm. The security said registration closed already. (of course he made a mistake cos it was before 5 pm).

Btw, which class is your son going?
Are you going to attend the orientation? Funny that if not attend orientation will lost the placement.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-11 00:36 |只看該作者
I arrived at around 3:30pm. And my boy is assigned to Class A. How about your son?

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-11 13:21 |只看該作者

回覆 9# sheepiedad 的文章

ha ha ...

I arrived a bit later than you. Maybe I just have missed you.

Mine also assign to A class. So coincident.

Btw, are you the daddy or mummy?
Mind to tell me which kindergarten your son attends? You may PM me for that.

Lets keep in touch and see you on orientation day.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-11 19:49 |只看該作者
Have pm you the info. How about your son? Which kindergarten is he studying? btw, I am a daddy

原帖由 nayvaj 於 09-6-11 13:21 發表
ha ha ...

I arrived a bit later than you. Maybe I just have missed you.

Mine also assign to A class. So coincident.

Btw, are you the daddy or mummy?
Mind to tell me which kindergarten your son a ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-12 01:03 |只看該作者

回覆 11# sheepiedad 的文章

Hi Sheepiedad,

Havent received your PM, could you resend?
Please check PM

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-12 01:43 |只看該作者
Hi nayvaj,

Have replied ur pm.


原帖由 nayvaj 於 09-6-12 01:03 發表
Hi Sheepiedad,

Havent received your PM, could you resend?
Please check PM

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-15 08:48 |只看該作者
Welcome to SJPS!
Since there are a lot of boys with different talent, this school offers a good chance for them to utilize their talent.
Different school teams recruit superior candidates each years, like choir, robot, swimming, table tennis, badminton, football.............
The main theme of the school is STUDY hard and PLAY hard at the RIGHT time.
Good Luck.
BTW, we have a forum in baby-kingdom- Primary Session- Wanchai - SJPS
See you there.
[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid124/pc8cd38426a2b9c43ddb759c6a85e9005/f80dbb2f.jpg.orig.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-15 16:11 |只看該作者
Hi kitty0303,

Thank you so much for the information.

I know SJSS has his own Athletic Team. Does SJPS also has one? I don't see they have his own tracking field.

Besides, I happened to pass by when his students were off for school, I remember most students looked very tired. Are they happy in school?


原帖由 kitty0303 於 09-6-15 08:48 發表
Welcome to SJPS!
Since there are a lot of boys with different talent, this school offers a good chance for them to utilize their talent.
Different school teams recruit superior candidates each y ...
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