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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 根德是否一間全面既幼稚園?
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根德是否一間全面既幼稚園? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-13 14:48 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
囡囡已經讀左KV 1年, 你問我好唔好我唔知,(我同先生要返工) 因為本身我冇特別比較過其他幼稚園, 只不過當初好好彩KV收佢就讀, 如果真要比較可能同讀普通幼稚園會有小小唔同, 會中文字/數學會識多小小 ! 英文就普通 !不過令我攪唔清就係好多家長想比小朋友讀, 佢係唔係咁好! 我覺得佢唔係咁全面, 英文方面會欠缺小小要響方間學, 其實讀KV小朋友入好直資會唔會機會大D !

有冇前KV小朋友家長既意見 ! 而KV家長會幫小朋友考邊幾間學校多?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-14 14:51 |只看該作者


Hi Emily

My daughter is an old girl in KV and she studies in DGJS now.  I found KV is a very good school which helped my daughter to build a solid foundation when she started her primary years.   

Perhpas, you are right that KV is not very strong in English but I know most parents will enroll extra English classes for their kids as EAC.     I would like to say there is no kindergarten all round.  As parents, we just can't expect the school do everything for you.  We must also put time and effort to guide and train up our kids to face challenges ahead of them.     

Should you find KV is not situable for your girl, you can always find another one.   It is no good or bad kindergarten.  It is just matter which is situable for you and your expectation.
FYI. my daughter was accepted by Good Hope, DGJS, Sacred Hearted, APS & KTS that year.
St. Paul Co.-edu was the only school she didn't get acceptance.

Nowaday, my daughter still misses her school, classmates and teachers there.      

原帖由 emileleung 於 09-7-13 14:48 發表
囡囡已經讀左KV 1年, 你問我好唔好我唔知,(我同先生要返工) 因為本身我冇特別比較過其他幼稚園, 只不過當初好好彩KV收佢就讀, 如果真要比較可能同讀普通幼稚園會有小小唔同, 會中文字/數學會識多小小 ! 英文就普通 ! ...
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