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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 DGS Vs MCS
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DGS Vs MCS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 12:33 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
My daughter will soon be promoted to MCS secondary section smoothly, everything seem straightforward.  I don't know why she wishes to get into DGS.  I know little about DGS and felt a bit "high climb", I think she is influenced by her classmates and friends outside school.  She became another person in these few months, very eager to win especially those events awarding certificate or honours.  

I worried about the expensive sch fee and other fees to go with.  We are an ordinary family in Tai Po, not wealthy, to be frank, I am worried that she may succeed in admitted into DGS and I cannot say no or stop her.  She is preparing herself now.

Can some experienced mums advising me how to decide?  She may have her own thoughts......and I am afraid I may make a wrong decision (not going to DGS)......Mum is not always right......and I regret my own mom too......

1  How good is DGS?
2  Is it worth to study in DGS?
3  What is the difference (in performance) between these 2 sch?

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-8 16:46 |只看該作者
原帖由 viv-viv 於 10-1-8 16:27 發表
St. Mary had good Music teachers who taught Music as one of the HKCEE subjects direct at school.

MCS did not have that arrangement.  They only let you apply for examination but did not have study sup ...

Thanks so much for your details.

That's why I heard that St. Mary's requires Grade 5 Music level for the  F.1 students when entry.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-8 16:27 |只看該作者
St. Mary had good Music teachers who taught Music as one of the HKCEE subjects direct at school.

MCS did not have that arrangement.  They only let you apply for examination but did not have study support.  I myself did not switch to St. Mary even though I was working hard on music, too.  Only because I got a seat with the Government's Centralized Scheme of Music course to study outside school on Saturdays free and still took Music as one of the subjects in the HKCEE.

In fact not a lot of schools have Music teachers to provide such academic support to kids for the preparation of HKCEE music exams.  St.  Mary had a long tradition for that.  At that time, music classmates of the government's course had girls from DGS and St. Paul's Co-education and they told me their teachers also did not set up classess for the HKCEE exams.  I don't know if this is still true in MCS, DGS and St. Paul's Co-education now.

原帖由 vienpa 於 10-1-8 11:48 發表
Quote; ..At my time, no kids would want to switch to DGS.  Girls with very strong academic and/or music potentials would try switching to St. Paul Co-education or St. Mary.  If about sports, girls sta ...

[ 本帖最後由 viv-viv 於 10-1-8 16:29 編輯 ]
Music is my Life, my Love, my Everything,

發表於 10-1-8 14:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-8 11:48 |只看該作者
Quote; ..At my time, no kids would want to switch to DGS.  Girls with very strong academic and/or music potentials would try switching to St. Paul Co-education or St. Mary.  If about sports, girls stayed in MCS to fight (they have quite a good spirit).

I'm quite interesting in the girls at your time preferring in switching to St. Mary's as they were at the same academic level, do you mean that the music fields elaborated by St. Mary's is a bit higher than MCS?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-8 10:38 |只看該作者
Just one more information for 樓主, I was brought up all along from MCS primary up to matriculation (F6) before I went into the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the early 1990s.

At my time, no kids would want to switch to DGS.  Girls with very strong academic and/or music potentials would try switching to St. Paul Co-education or St. Mary.  If about sports, girls stayed in MCS to fight (they have quite a good spirit).
Music is my Life, my Love, my Everything,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-8 10:25 |只看該作者
I am just a passer-by and got interested in the topic.  To declare  the interest, I am a MCS old girl.

Frankly I cannot recall much about DGS but for sure DGS promotes the idea of development of self-independence, elite performance, high-profile, and aggressive (if not like this word better say it to be highly proactive) persuit of one's own dream and perfection.  Other DGS old grils please correct me if I am wrong.

For MCS, for sure their main belief is liberty of self-development.  It is a low profile and caring school.  It will not "push" with a program, but it promotes self-realization.  If you want to be good in academics, then go ahead and find your way.  If you want to be good in music and sports, then go work hard to find your way to success (not exactly meaning a compulsory achievement of honours, prizes or fame).  The school wants girls to work out the definition one by one.  So if you want to be a bad guy in the school, the Catholic belief is to give counselling and coaching to lessen the damage but will not expel the kid out of school.  (Hence there are extreme cases of girls, both to the good and bad sides).

Actually there is nothing wrong with both elite schools and what they are promoting are good.  It really depends on how the students themselves (not their parents especailly in the secondary section when girls have their own thinking and analytical power) see if the school fits them.  

樓主 should really discuss with her girl.  See why she insists to change from MCS to DGS.  There must be something she craves for that cannot be provided by MCS.  See what that "reason(s)" trigger(s) her and if that "reason(s)" sounds valid and sensible.

I don't think 樓主 spoils her girl at this momoent.  So those who have responded please stop attacking her.  She sounds caring but innocent.  If 樓主 listens to her girl's explanation but the "reason(s)" are crazily unreasonable and she further agrees with her girl's thoughts to persue switching to DGS, then of course it is not a case that worths helping.

Please kindly don't attack if anyone disagrees.  Thank you.

原帖由 tweetyho 於 10-1-7 23:50 發表

DGS is more high-profile than any other famous girl schools, including MCS

[ 本帖最後由 viv-viv 於 10-1-8 10:48 編輯 ]
Music is my Life, my Love, my Everything,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-7 23:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 samuel89 於 10-1-6 14:48 發表
1  How good is DGS?

2  Is it worth to study in DGS?

3  What is the difference (in performance) between these 2 sch?

甘答ok ...

DGS is more high-profile than any other famous girl schools, including MCS

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-7 12:56 |只看該作者
Samuel 189

Thank you very much

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-7 12:56 |只看該作者

You should apologize for what you have said.  I did not reply myself under the name of another person.

Think before you type!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-6 15:00 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-6 14:48 |只看該作者

回覆 39# judy 的文章

1  How good is DGS?

2  Is it worth to study in DGS?

3  What is the difference (in performance) between these 2 sch?


發表於 10-1-6 14:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-1-6 13:01 |只看該作者
1  How good is DGS?
2  Is it worth to study in DGS?
3  What is the difference (in performance) between these 2 sch?



發表於 10-1-6 12:42 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-6 12:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 wunma 於 09-12-30 09:46 發表
作為父母, 任何決定, 只要以對子女的最大得益為大前提, 有這個信念, 就不難作決定.

恭喜妳, 妳有一個有上進心的女兒, 眼光亦放得遠. 很多家長, 根本不明白一個十一, 二歲的孩子, 可以有多成熟, 多識想. 她們藉著和 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-5 22:31 |只看該作者
Wunma, I owe you much.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-5 22:29 |只看該作者
Small panda, please refer to PM.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-5 22:26 |只看該作者
I would like to clarify that I have only one account registered with baby-kingdom, I don't understand why dad1234 made such accusation that we are of the same person, one asking and the other answered.  Would you please present some proof and be more responsible?

發表於 10-1-4 14:22 |只看該作者
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