hkpapa852 發表於 15-12-28 16:32
聖提人均5有公佈過嗎? 我無係校務告睇過......
三間中學過去三年DSE成績同畢業生去向統計: We are pleased that many of our Form 6 students showed commitment in their studies and have become active learners. This is reflected by the remarkable results they have made in the recent HKDSE. The highest individual academic achievement in the College’s history – a remarkable seven 5** was recorded. In addition, the total number of 5** is 44 which is about twice that of last year’s figure and the total number of 5**, 5* and 5 is 266, which is the highest in the last three years
如果聖提2014至有dse畢業生, 咁比較數字點走出黎? .