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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 老師去左邊?自學等如自強不息?奮鬥只可靠互聯網? ...
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[英國] 老師去左邊?自學等如自強不息?奮鬥只可靠互聯網? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-5-21 08:18 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 KIMLIFEINUK 於 24-5-21 08:24 編輯

(不可轉載、上報或 post 係任何社交媒體)


我小朋友係英國政府學校上中學,佢既physics 老師由二月中重病不能返學校,因為佢病得幾重,無人知佢幾時可以返嚟,於是佢果班就只有代課老師,我唔知大家覺得乜野係代課老師,但係呢度,佢只係一個可有可無既人,唔須要教任何課程,佢只係睇住D學生,學生自己自修。佢除左點名之外,甚至唔需要講任何一句說話。


錯也不在佢,佢始終真係病重,但三個月無左 physics 老師,對學生既影響係非常大。

學校叫學生們上網自學,去D唔同網站,YouTube 等自學!自己睇 textbook 學。

天呀!佢一直係 YouTube 揾野自學。year 10 physics 2大個 chapters 叫你自學,無堂上,無老師的。我真係難以形容我既驚訝!

上2個星期,校長 send 左一封給家長既信,英式政治腔。首先感謝家長們體諒。。。又讚歎學生們自學好叻。。。。總結就係,雖然無左老師咁耐,家長好叻!學生好叻!學校亦好盡力配合。一齊俾掌聲大家!

上星期學校嘗試借隔離班個 physics 老師過來幫手上2堂課,更加嚇死人,果位老師原意係幫手run 一個 revision lesson, 因為佢地今個星期有個 physics test.

果位老師於是開始講,問佢地識唔識呢樣、果樣咁,佢地話唔識。於是老師話,嘩!原來你地乜都唔識,我得2堂 revision 無可能從頭教過,我只可以係D questions 搵你地己經識既嚟做下!

聽日佢就 physics test, 考果D佢自學既 chapter, 我女溫書溫到半夜一點先瞓。見佢都好失落。聽朝早會時再溫下。

不停話其實自己應該再早D上網自學得好D,加睇多D網上既 practice exam questions, 都怪自己時間預計得唔好。佢話 technically 自學係可以的。(吓咁都得!)


香港既家長會問我,你咁嬲,點解唔投訴呀?第一,無其他家長投訴,學生係抱怨,但就係咁,第二,我自己都唔相信投訴有乜野用,學校可以簡單答我,請唔到短期暫代 physics 老師,會盡快恢復正常。。blah blah blah.  英國長期請唔夠 science teacher 係真既!唔集合到一推人一齊投訴的話,我一個人既不滿唔覺得有乜用!




除左人生安全我會全力去出聲 (我果次有不停投訴) ,其他既呢「憾事」,只有係到呻下,嗌下


   6    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-9 07:56 |只看該作者
964000 發表於 24-6-8 09:11


Yes this sounds very strange in a way!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 24-6-8 09:11 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-6 18:52
同大家 update 下



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-6-7 21:08 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 TAIOU4 於 24-6-7 21:08 編輯
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-7 19:21
唉!佢告假既所有課程唔會補教番,聽講只有自學,幾個 chapter 也不淺,惟有揾外援教返。

可能要研究下英國學校關於教師請Long Sick o既條例




KIMLIFEINUK    發表於 24-6-9 07:54

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-7 19:21 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 KIMLIFEINUK 於 24-6-7 19:27 編輯
TAIOU4 發表於 24-6-7 13:06

唉!佢告假既所有課程唔會補教番,聽講只有自學,幾個 chapter 也不淺,惟有揾外援教返。

其實同學仔都好公平咁講,老師個人無乜野,但身體同精神健康都咁差,其實唔適合做老師,應該專心醫病。否則病情只會一直拖落去。難以想像個腦同一時間,一邊耳聽 headphone, 一邊耳有學生問佢野,一邊又要講書。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-6-7 13:06 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 TAIOU4 於 24-6-7 13:07 編輯
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-6 18:52
同大家 update 下



Long Sick Leave / Work Injury 屈公司錢文化所向無敵

入得Grammar School 好多都經歷過11+
我諗醒目o既年頭見勢色唔對都已經走o左 / 準備走


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-6 18:52 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 KIMLIFEINUK 於 24-6-6 18:54 編輯

同大家 update 下




佢因為有幻聽,所以係學校一隻耳要戴一邊耳茼,play 一D野去控制佢既病情!clam the nerve.




Rank: 4

發表於 24-6-3 20:52 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-3 15:52
Thanks so much!!! very useful

我見D好既公校或私校sixth form, 多數係優先本校學生,咁都係正常既.

所以考好個GCSE, 攞住8-9 增加入讀好學校的sixth form 機會。


KIMLIFEINUK    發表於 24-6-3 21:04

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 24-6-3 18:12 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-3 15:52
Thanks so much!!! very useful

我見D好既公校或私校sixth form, 多數係優先本校學生,咁都係正常既.

我見都多人6th form轉校,如果對現在的grammar school不滿意,咪再試下報,公立私校都試下,去到6th form都係睇成績。


KIMLIFEINUK    發表於 24-6-3 21:03

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-3 15:52 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 KIMLIFEINUK 於 24-6-3 16:04 編輯

Thanks so much!!! very useful

我見D好既公校或私校sixth form, 多數係優先本校學生,咁都係正常既.

例如見有D可能只會收 30-40 個 external students into their sixth form, 好多只收2O個,有D唔公怖數字。 申請既學生就有數百個。平均十幾個人爭一個位。公校會更多人申請,因為申請係免費,只須填張 online form.

Top 私校好多無正式公怖有幾多人申請,但我周圍搵資料時見有間倫敦既搶手私校,往年學生講,sixth form 幾百人申請, external 男仔收十個,external 女仔十個,係 day school +boarding, boarding 女仔可能得三個位,因為無乜人 gcse 之後走。所以 boarding 位非常搶手。仲要睇下揀乜野科,熱門科目更加難入。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 24-6-3 14:31 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-1 20:43
最近我睇 London 既神公校,發現還不少,正如之前有D人講既私校 a 工廠

呢D就係公校A工廠,數目還不少,不 ...

官校 DfE 2023 AL APS 頭100
其中8間只開 Sixth form
3間 Maths school 較細 其他收好多人

England Top-100 State
DfE 2023 A level APS Ranking
No. of Students | APS

Boys 25 schools
Grade A+ 1 school
Queen Elizabeth's, Barnet 166 | 53.25

Grade A 5 schools
Wilson's School 173 | 51.35
[Colchester RGS] 186 | 50.47
[St Olave's Grammar] 229 | 49.95
Reading School 171 | 49.61
[KES Stratford-upon-Avon]167 | 49.02

Grade A- 6 schools
[KEGS Chelmsford] 183 | 47.15
[Dr Challoner's Grammar] 216 | 47.08
[Tiffin School] 255 | 46.99
Altrincham Grammar Boys 198 | 46.83
KE Camp Hill Boys 155 | 45.63

[Bishop Vesey's Grammar] 210 | 45.12

Grade B+ 13 schools
[Sutton Grammar] 175 | 44.84
[The Judd School] 242 | 44.48
[Sir Thomas Rich's] 196 | 44.33
The RGS High Wycombe 209 | 44.16
Aylesbury Grammar 203 | 44.09

[Wallington County GS] 177 | 43.66
[Bishop Wordsworth's] 192 | 43.53
The Skinners' School 154 | 43.2
The King's, Grantham 144 | 42.46
[St Thomas The Apostle] 126 | 42.15

[Westcliff High for Boys] 179 | 42.06
[Lancaster RGS] 198 | 41.91
[The London Oratory] 177 | 41.9

Girls 31 schools
Grade A 2 schools
The Henrietta Barnett 142 | 50.01S
The Tiffin Girls' 170 | 49.05

Grade A- 5 schools
Kendrick School 139 | 46.77
KE Camp Hill Girls 168 | 46.28
Altrincham Grammar Girls 192 | 46.12
Chelmsford County High 149 | 45.84
[St Michael's Catholic] 136 | 45.08

Grade B+ 21 schools
Beaconsfield High Sch 185 | 44.99
Dr Challoner's High Sch 193 | 44.85
Sutton Coldfield Grammar 168 | 44.63
Colchester County High 124 | 44.2
Nonsuch High for Girls 214 | 44.16

[The Camden Sch for Girls] 210 | 44.12
Menorah High for Girls 34 | 44.02
Stratford Girls' Grammar 114 | 43.86
Wycombe High School 194 | 43.64
[The St Marylebone CofE] 150 | 43.45

[Newstead Wood] 225 | 43.33
Wallington High for Girls 234 | 43.14
Lady Margaret School 83 | 43.04
Aylesbury High School 197 | 42.8
Loreto Grammar 141 | 42.63

St Paul's School for Girls 70 | 42.5
Hasmonean High for Girls 68 | 42.4
Tunbridge Wells Girls' 134 | 42.19
[Rugby High School] 118 | 41.94
[Invicta Grammar] 197 | 41.92

Woodford County High 177 | 41.86

Grade B 3 schools
Bournemouth Sch for Girls 145 | 41.57
Newport Girls' High 102 | 41.41
Lancaster Girls' Grammar 136 | 41.4

Mixed 36 schools
Grade A 2 schools
Brampton Manor A 372 | 48.98
Pate's Grammar 240 | 48.74

Grade A- 7 schools
Micheala Community Sch 36 | 48.02
JFS 233 | 47.45
The Blue Coat School 172 | 47.39
Colyton Grammar 121 | 47.21
Dame Alice Owen's 209 | 45.81

The Latymer School 190 | 45.75
Sale Grammar 193 | 45.02

Grade B+ 23 schools
Ripon Grammar 149 | 44.78
Sir William Borlase's 203 | 44.78
Holland Park School 89 | 44.59
Mossbourne Community A 178 | 44.57
Yavneh College 75 | 44.5

The Charter Sch N Dulwich 167 | 44.19
Chesham Grammar 206 | 43.78
KE Five Ways 196 | 43.75
St Andrew's Catholic 132 | 43.54
Langley Grammar 163 | 43.3

Sandringham School 214 | 43.24
JCoSS 145 | 42.93
West London Free School 126 | 42.91
Royal Latin School 212 | 42.85
Twyford CofE High 314 | 42.75

Archbishop Holgate's 125 | 42.32
St Peter's Catholic, GU1 130 | 42.02
Sir Henry Floyd Grammar 207 | 41.94
All Hallows Catholic 80 | 41.86
Bartholomew School 141 | 41.81

Ashcroft Tech Academy 100 | 41.8
Parmiter's School 184 | 41.73
AIM Academy N London 11 | 41.72

Grade B 4 schools
Paddington Academy 89 | 41.64
Horsforth School 123 | 41.63
AldridgeUTC@MediaCityUK 31 | 41.61
Somervale Secondary 15 | 41.46

Sixth form only/Mixed 8 schools
Grade A*- 1 school
King's Maths School 75 | 55

Grade A 1 school
Newham Collegiate SFC 307 | 50.18

Grade A- 3 schools
Liverpool Maths School 32 | 47.93
LAE Stratford 229 | 47.77
Exeter Maths School 59 | 45.39

Grade B+ 3 schools
Hills Road SF College 1,310 | 43.57
Sir John Deane's SF Coll 835 | 43.08
Woodhouse College 720 | 42.62

[Mixed Sixth form]

State schools/colleges

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 24-6-2 20:01 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-1 20:33
其實公校都有好多 high achievement 既勁學校,但要考到入去非常非常難!

例如 London Academy of Excelle ...

官校 2023 AL APS B+或以上共93間

England State Schools/Colleges
DfE 2023 A level APS Ranking
No. of Students | APS

Grade A*- 1 school
King's Maths School 75 | 55

Grade A+ 1 school
Queen Elizabeth's, Barnet 166 | 53.25

Grade A 10 schools
Wilson's School 173 | 51.35
Colchester RGS 186 | 50.47
Newham Collegiate SFC 307 | 50.18
The Henrietta Barrett 142 | 50.01
St Olave's Grammar 229 | 49.95

Reading School 171 | 49.61
The Tiffin Girls' 170 | 49.05
KES Stratford-upon-Avon 167 | 49.02
Brampton Manor A 372 | 48.98
Pate's Grammar 240 | 48.74

Grade A- 21 schools
Micheala Community Sch 36 | 48.02
Liverpool Maths School 32 | 47.93
LAE Stratford 229 | 47.77
JFS 233 | 47.45
The Blue Coat School 172 | 47.39

Colyton Grammar 121 | 47.21
KEGS Chelmsford 183 | 47.15
Dr Challoner's Grammar 216 | 47.08
Tiffin School 255 | 46.99
Altrincham Grammar Boys 198 | 46.83

Kendrick School 139 | 46.77
KE Camp Hill Girls 168 | 46.28
Altrincham Grammar Girls 192 | 46.12
Chelmsford County High 149 | 45.84
Dame Alice Owen's 209 | 45.81

The Latymer School 190 | 45.75
KE Camp Hill Boys 155 | 45.63
Exeter Maths School 59 | 45.39
Bishop Vesey's Grammar 210 | 45.12
St Michael's Catholic 136 | 45.08

Sale Grammar 193 | 45.02

Grade B+ 60 schools
Beaconsfield High Sch 185 | 44.99
Dr Challoner's High Sch 193 | 44.85
Sutton Grammar 175 | 44.84
Ripton Grammar 149 | 44.78
Sir William Borlase's 203 | 44.78

Sutton Coldfield Grammar 168 | 44.63
Holland Park School 89 | 44.59
Mossbourne Community A 178 | 44.57
Yavneh College 75 | 44.5
The Judd School 242 | 44.48

Sir Thomas Rich's 196 | 44.33
Colchester County High 124 | 44.2
The Charter Sch N Dulwich 167 | 44.19
Nonsuch High for Girls 214 | 44.16
The RGS High Wycombe 209 | 44.16

The Camden Sch for Girls 210 | 44.12
Aylesbury Grammar 203 | 44.09

Menorah High for Girls 34 | 44.02
Stratford Girls' Grammar 114 | 43.86
Chesham Grammar 206 | 43.78
KE Five Ways 196 | 43.75
Wallington County Grammar 177 | 43.66

Wycombe High School 194 | 43.64
Hills Road SF College 1,310 | 43.57
St Andrew's Catholic 132 | 43.54
Bishop Wordsworth's CofE 192 | 43.53
The St Marylebone CofE 150 | 43.45

Newstead Wood 225 | 43.33
Langley Grammar 163 | 43.3
Sandringham School 214 | 43.24
The Skinners' School 154 | 43.2
Wallington High for Girls 234 | 43.14

Sir John Deane's SF Coll 835 | 43.08
Lady Margaret School 83 | 43.04
JCoSS 145 | 42.93
West London Free School 126 | 42.91
Royal Latin School 212 | 42.85

Aylesbury High School 197 | 42.8
Twyford CofE High 314 | 42.75
Loreto Grammar 141 | 42.63
Woodhouse College 720 | 42.62
St Paul's School for Girls 70 | 42.5

The King's, Grantham 144 | 42.46
Hasmonean High for Girls 68 | 42.4
Archbishop Holgate's 125 | 42.32
Tunbridge Wells Girls' 134 | 42.19
St Thomas The Apostle 126 | 42.15

Westcliff High for Boys 179 | 42.06
St Peter's Catholic 130 | 42.02
Rugby High School 118 | 41.94
Sir Henry Floyd Grammar 207 | 41.94
Invicta Grammar 197 | 41.92

Lancaster RGS 198 | 41.91
The London Oratory 177 | 41.9
All Hallows Catholic 80 | 41.86
Woodford County High 177 | 41.86
Bartholomew School 141 | 41.81

Ashcroft Tech Academy 100 | 41.8
Parmiter's School 184 | 41.73
AIM Academy N London 11 | 41.72

State schools/colleges

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-1 23:17 |只看該作者
TTEE1819 發表於 24-6-1 21:52
本帖最後由 TTEE1819 於 24-6-1 21:55 編輯

哇,你唔講,我係唔知stratford 有間成績好嘅sixth form co ...

我都好鍾意行 westfield, 可以行成日,特別鍾意去近 waitrose 旁間馬來西亞餐食野。

根據你既數字, 240人有 22入 oxbridge 都好勁

係London 好出名的

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-1 23:05 |只看該作者
貝珠 發表於 24-6-1 22:29
我朋友個女讀果間grammar school 佢話有4成人predicted grade 係全9。 你可以問下學校有冇呢方面數字。

wow excellent results even for grammar school!!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-6-1 22:29 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-1 20:43
最近我睇 London 既神公校,發現還不少,正如之前有D人講既私校 a 工廠

呢D就係公校A工廠,數目還不少,不 ...

我朋友個女讀果間grammar school 佢話有4成人predicted grade 係全9。 你可以問下學校有冇呢方面數字。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-1 21:52 |只看該作者
KIMLIFEINUK 發表於 24-6-1 20:33
其實公校都有好多 high achievement 既勁學校,但要考到入去非常非常難!

例如 London Academy of Excelle ...

本帖最後由 TTEE1819 於 24-6-1 21:55 編輯

哇,你唔講,我係唔知stratford 有間成績好嘅sixth form college。 如去london, 我成日住Stratford, 成日行Westfield stratford city和stratford shopping centre,去中超買野, 真係無留意附近有這學校。 google見到佢收480個學生,即係 Year 12有240, year 13有240,一個intake有45人讀medicine (medical degree? ), 勁呀。多謝介紹,我保存這資料先,睇下有無住london朋友岩洗先。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-1 20:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 KIMLIFEINUK 於 24-6-1 21:02 編輯
beastiebistro 發表於 24-6-1 09:46
雖然政策係點都冇人知,不過應該冇追溯力,佢真正上場推行政策前之前做或者可行... ...

We will only know after July now!

VAT on school fees, changes ahead?

AT Director

John Rainsford

Business tax

With a General Election around the corner, which may lead to a change in Government, there is currently a lot of focus on Labour party policy. Labour has stated that it will exclude independent schools from VAT exemption, which will result in VAT on school fees.

Fee paying schools are therefore considering the impact of having to apply VAT, expected to be imposed at the standard rate of 20%, on their charges, especially given the need for schools to plan their budgets years in advance. VAT is also expected to be added to boarding charges as being ‘closely related’ supplies. The addition of VAT to education will represent a fundamental change to a sector which has always been exempt from VAT, with no VAT charged on income or recovered on expenditure, but the biggest impact will be the added financial burden to parents and guardians. Many schools are considering ways to reduce costs and the impact of being able to recover VAT incurred on expenditure, so that the normal annual fee increases can be minimised, or even reduced to lessen the burden for families.

There has been much discussion regarding the possibility of parents paying school fees in advance of the General Election, while the payments remain exempt from VAT. While there seem to be more independent schools introducing payment in advance (PIA) arrangements, it has always been common for schools to operate these, whereby parents can prepay fees months or years in advance of them being due. There are many reasons why this is attractive to those parents and guardians who can make advance payments, such as taking advantage of any reductions offered by the school and having the certainty that the future fees have been accounted for.

As a fundamental VAT principle, VAT only becomes due at the ‘time of supply’, otherwise known as the tax point. Where there is a supply of services, the tax point is normally the date when the service has been completed. However, under the VAT legislation, where the supplier receives payment, or issues a VAT invoice, in advance, then that earlier date is the deemed tax point. This means that if a school receives payment in advance under a PIA arrangement, this creates a tax point, so the VAT treatment at that date is applicable. Therefore, under the normal rules, if school fees are paid when the supply of education is exempt, then no VAT would apply, even if the services are provided after any introduction of VAT.

Labour has however been clear that it will seek to block any arrangements which it believes avoid VAT and, as was the case when the standard rate of VAT increased from 17.5% to 20% in 2010, could introduce ‘anti-forestalling’ measures intended to ensure that VAT is due on advance payments made before any change in the VAT legislation. However, previous anti-forestalling provisions were only effective from the date the changes were announced by the Government, which could be the day after Labour forms a new Government.

Even if an anti-avoidance provision is used, this would also not be expected to apply before a change in the VAT treatment is announced. However, the possibility remains that a new Government could seek to introduce retrospective legislation if it takes the position that advance payments are part of an avoidance scheme. Although this would be highly unusual, there have been examples, albeit very few and not in respect of VAT, where retrospective legislation has been introduced allowing HMRC to go back and collect the tax.

There are also existing rules in place, as outlined in VAT Notice 700/8, which require disclosure of tax avoidance schemes which are intended to give a ‘VAT advantage’. It may however be difficult for these provisions to be used to suggest the arrangements are artificial when the current VAT rules are fully complied with.

There has been the suggestion that Labour could challenge prepayment schemes on the basis the payments are a deposit from which the school can draw down in due course and not actually deemed to be fees paid in advance of a supply. Although deposits held as security, for example where held in an escrow account, do not create a tax point, it is difficult to see how HMRC could seek to use this argument to challenge the exempt treatment of advance payments, especially if the payments are attributed to specific school term periods.

It has also been reported that Labour could seek to stop schools using the ‘Capital Goods Scheme’ to clawback a proportion of VAT incurred on qualifying large capital projects undertaken by the school in the previous 10-year period, such as new classroom accommodation or a new library, which continued to be used following any introduction of VAT. This too would require a change to a well-established VAT provision and it is difficult to see how this would be targeted to only apply to the education sector.

Although the Labour Party has made it clear that it will do what is necessary to ensure that what it sees as the full amount of VAT due is collected, there may be an element of hoping the threat of challenge to PIA arrangements is enough to minimise their use, and so avoid the need to introduce additional changes which could be subject to challenge.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-1 20:43 |只看該作者
最近我睇 London 既神公校,發現還不少,正如之前有D人講既私校 a 工廠

呢D就係公校A工廠,數目還不少,不過見D人 review, 好似係你要 gcse 近乎全部 grade 9 先最大機會入,而且佢亦會 interview, 見D想考入去既學生差不多全部 predicted grade 9,  有D如果係大部份 grade 9, 有幾科 grade 8  都擔心入唔到


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 24-6-1 20:33 |只看該作者
其實公校都有好多 high achievement 既勁學校,但要考到入去非常非常難!

例如 London Academy of Excellence (LAE) in Stratford London


25% of all grades achieved were A*

65% of all grades achieved were A* or A

92% of all grades achieved were in the range A* to B

The vast majority of our graduating students are now set to progress to their first choice university: 45 students will be pursuing medical degrees; 22 students will be taking up places at Oxford and Cambridge and more than a third of our 2023 cohort will be furthering their studies at Imperial, UCL, LSE and Kings College.

Other students will be moving on to start highly competitive apprenticeships at top City law firms, engineering companies and accountancy practices.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 24-6-1 20:12 |只看該作者
宮二 發表於 24-6-1 16:47
有些貴族私校,表面校園似皇宮,睇真啲 ...


其實移居左過英國,唔駛搬又可以揀嘅私校day school , 真係唔多。相信樓主都唔會揀boarding school as day student , 太貴了。

上得sixth form ,如果係grammar school 真係唔會差得去邊,但我會doubt 升學support 會有幾足夠,如果你aim high 。
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