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Rank: 4

發表於 15-11-8 12:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 wendywong032 於 16-1-21 13:49 編輯

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-8 13:38 |只看該作者
囝囝系悉尼讀緊Year 10, 當初係佢自己想去, 所以so far到左果邊佢都適應得好好, 聽佢講其實澳洲gei high school gei功課都吾算少, 每日學校都有很多活動參加, 佢好enjoy學校生活......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-8 13:42 |只看該作者
我吾知道你想知道邊一方面gei信息, 你可以留言, 我儘量回答你.

Rank: 4

發表於 15-11-8 14:16 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 wendywong032 於 16-1-19 20:11 編輯


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-11-8 14:23 |只看該作者


原帖由 wendywong032 於 15-11-08 發表
唔該曬你!仔仔今年F·4,他自己想去澳洲讀,但爸爸比較傾向英國,所以都未有最後定案。就以澳洲來說,如果 ...
聽 agent 講好多學校都有 English course 俾overseas students 隨時入讀,一嚟唔使 hea 咗幾個月,二嚟可以適應新環境。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-8 15:32 |只看該作者
wendywong032 發表於 15-11-8 14:16
唔該曬你!仔仔今年F·4,他自己想去澳洲讀,但爸爸比較傾向英國,所以都未有最後定案。就以澳洲來說,如果 ...
你囝囝今年F4其實就同我囝囝應該同年2000年對嗎? 我囝囝也是系香港完成左F3之後去澳洲讀Year 10....澳洲所有的中學都系由每年的1月到12月計一學年, 每一個學年又分4個terms(大致上1 term 1月尾-4月頭, 2 term 4中-6尾, 3 term 7月中-9尾, 4 term 10月頭-12月頭), 除左最後1個term放暑假大概1.5個月左右, 其餘3個terms之間放2個星期假.
所以正常如果你囝囝在香港完成F4之後去澳洲讀書gei話, 佢應該系要到2017年1月去讀Year 11, 但是在悉尼好多私校會在每個學期gei前一個term(也就是term 4)要求插班生提早入讀以方便適應學校gei生活和英文......
所以我囝囝就在今年gei10月頭去左悉尼讀書, 初初我都搞不清佢到底算Year 9 or 10, 之後果邊家長和老師同我解釋佢d提早一個term教下一年gei科目以方便到時候Year 12考大學時候有充分gei時間做準備溫習......

以我經驗和理解, 如果你囝囝去讀私校就可以2016年10月頭去讀Year 11, 不過以上只可能是悉尼私立高中情況, 如果其他州可能未必系甘.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-8 15:37 |只看該作者
回覆 wendywong032 的帖子

My son is studying Year 9. The school emphasis on P.e. and excursion. he plays table tennis, fencing, and soccer. Just return from a trip to Fiji. (included in normal academic program, 計分)
No participation of activities will be warned by school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-8 15:42 |只看該作者
If feasible, I suggest going to Australian earlier. After Year 11, you need to focus on academic, and difficult to mix with local.
of course, English is another consideration.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-11-20 02:22 |只看該作者
回覆 agchan 的帖子

I am a graduate of a Sydney All Girl's private school. I hold AU passport but studied in HK till P.4 at a EMI school, but my english wasn't excellent when I went to Australia. But since I went to Australia when I was 9 it wasn't too bad as I was placed in English as a second language class. Then my parents put me to the All Girl's private school, this is one of the top schools in Sydney that is very large, we had boarders from rural parts of NSW as well as a big intake of AU passport holders from HK. In my year at Year 9-10 (HK's F4-5), there were 7 girls that arrived who all attended St Paul Convent. So that being said the level english needs to be at a high standard.
I also had a cousin who attended a B2-B3 school in Hong Kong who attended a All Boy's private boarding school, not holding AU passport. That school is in the second tier of private school, not the best but not the worse. They aggressively recruit in HK during the fair season. He attended Year 10-11 but struggled. In NSW you prepare for the HSC (HK's DSE) in Year 11-12, my cousin realised he wasn't going to perform well so he dropped out by end of Year 11 and switched over to foundation. My cousin I believed performed well on in Maths, the others he struggled a lot due to the medium being English however that being said his spoken English has improved remarkably but he still dropped out to do foundation course as he wasn't confident about the HSC. Also for NSW it is easier to get into the more popular university courses as an overseas students vs being a domestic student (like myself).

If you have more questions, please ask me. 我懂得看中文但是不太懂得打字。


AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-11-20 04:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 yanange 於 15-11-20 04:04 編輯

回覆 wendywong032 的帖子

The below is for NSW only! I.e. Sydney
The list of public high schools for international students are here:

For ALL of Australian high school university entrance rankings see here:
Fees are a lot cheaper than 20,000 - 40,000 for tuition and another 15000+ for boarding



2016 & 2017

Application fee (non-refundable)



Tuition fees per student per year*

Years K to 6



Years 7 to 10
(Junior secondary)



Years 11 and 12
(Senior secondary)



Intensive English Centre

for two terms

for two terms

Homestay accommodation
Parent nomination homestay fee**



Accommodation placement fee



Homestay fee

A$250 - $300
per week

per week

Other fees
Airport pick-up fee



School uniforms

A$150 - $200

A$200 - $250

School transfer fee***




AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-11-20 13:34 |只看該作者
回覆 洋子 的帖子

Which secondary school or what type of school (Public or private, boarding) is your son attending? Is your son a Aus citizen? My son is studying F3 now in HK, I am thinking to send him to Aus at 2017 for year 10 (like you, sending him at last term of 2016 for better preparation for 2017 year 10). Any comment on choosing between good private boarding school or public selective school (he is a Aus citizen)? Thank for your advise.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-11-20 13:36 |只看該作者
回覆 yanange 的帖子

Hi yanange, Any comment on choosing between good private boarding school or public selective school. Any recommendation of good school on boy? Thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-11-20 14:27 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

Are you referring to NSW?
Private boarding school will be easier to get in and your son will likely be able to participate in more musical and sporting activities as private schools are better funded and have the right facilities on hand. There are quite a few choices, my friends back then preferred attending Shore and it is currently the top ranked boarding boys schools in Sydney. Barker is another good choice as it is co-ed so maybe more socially friendly and more like the real world and the academics are not bad with huge campus and strong in sports. Cranbrook isn't a bad school either but a lot more posh as it is located in the eastern suburbs and as your son arrives late, perhaps it is harder to fit in socially.

My cousin also attended Knox, it has a big boarding community with many boys from HK whoever recently academics standards slipped more.

For a full list of boardings see here: http://www.boardingschools.com.au/directory/sydney

As for public selective high school, there are very limited places to transfer into within Sydney. The top schools like James Ruse, Baulkham Hills, North Sydney Boys, Sydney Boys are tough and your son will have to follow the below procedures: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/le ... s/selective8_12.php

Obviously academically selective high school do very well, it is almost 90% asian in the 10 selective high schools in Sydney.
See rankings here:

AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-11-20 14:32 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

On top of that the private schools will offer more diverse network (White/asians etc) Selective probably all asians. My friends at USYD doing commerce or law were all from private schools or selective high schools, very few from government comprehensive schools, if they were it would be Killara, Cherrybrook, Burwood Girls, Cheltenham Girls etc.
One thing to note, socially for boys they have to play a sports, most require it as a pre-requisite for year 10 but not year 11 or year 12. My brother went to Sydney Grammar (but they don't do boarding), he did volleyball up to year 12 to help him de-stress etc, got into UNSW commerce/science and ended graduating with distinction. I think going Sydney Grammar bred a very all-rounded person that encouraged independent learning and also an excellent network of very talented ex-students who mentored him. So that's a good thing.

Another to note at boarding schools, bullying can happen so very important to have good pastoral care and a site visit. My school Pymble ladies college had it happening to most new pupils no matter what the teachers do at the beginning when boarders started.

More questions, please feel free to ask.

AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-20 16:08 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

囝囝依家系悉尼讀緊私立男校, 不過學校有boarding, 所以吾需要home stay......我囝囝吾系澳洲居民, 是申請學生visa去讀書gei,

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-11-20 16:43 |只看該作者
回覆 yanange 的帖子

Thank you for the information. Since your brother was attending Sydney Grammar School (a top but non boarding), and yourself was at PLC (top but boarding), how would you compare or recommend me about these 2 types of school? in team of activities (sport, music or inter-personal interaction) in school, bullying? Since Sydney Grammar  is one of my target, and Knox Grammar, King's School for boarding option. What is your comment about these schools? Are they all very difficult to get accepted? Any advise for application? Thank you.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-11-20 16:49 |只看該作者
回覆 洋子 的帖子

可否分享下你同囝囝找 boarding school 的心得?如點解選咗現在的學校?有什因素?Co-Ed or boys School? Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-11-20 17:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 yanange 於 15-11-20 21:19 編輯
manning2014 發表於 15-11-20 16:43
回覆 yanange 的帖子

Thank you for the information. Since your brother was attending Sydney Grammar  ...

If you want answers from a local's perspective try this forum, it looks at public vs private: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1768177
And read the below articles

Private vs Public. I think in university, due to the distortion with the selective high school system, I think NSW is in a strange place. A lot of top students are just from these schools but then out in the work place, I worked in a large MNC before, if you came from public school and you did law, medicine, banking, you are extremely bright as you had no one to help you or spoon feed you. But most of the people that did law, medicine, business courses, engineering a lot went to selective, catholic or private schools, very few from public high school. Australian public high school getting in the top tier courses is few and rare, but obviously Australians don't only emphasise on the top tier, there are still universities in Newcastle, New England, Western Sydney, Wollongong that you can attend, when I was at the MNC, there were kids from there.

Sydney Grammar only accepts PR or citizen, Sydney Grammar is a selective school, there are two primary school campus one in St Ives the other Edgecliff. My brother entered in Year 5 at St Ives, he sat a written test and group interview, but not coached. This school is elite as it has some of the most expensive fees in Sydney and a  very prestigious network of students, every year almost 1 student going to US top colleges, many top CEOs, lawyers, doctors etc. My brother was quite a timid child and didn't do extremely well in academics until Year 11. out of a year of 180, I say he was in bottom half, but that never deterred his determination and when to do well. The school constantly encouraged sports and a thrive for learning and inquiry. But I also think for boys, they mature a lot later, they love sports more between age of 12-15 and only focus on study later. I remember once I looked at my brother's scorecard and I said, seriously your ranking is poor, it's such an expensive school do better, then later he replied to my Mum, what's the point in pressuring myself always when I know only the last two years of high school matter, I only now want to explore and learn. My mum thought it was very mature of him and left it as that.
Also note my brother and I never went to coaching colleges like other Asian kids, only a maths tutor as that was both of our weakness. My older sister attended the local public high school as my mum knows my sister talents was not in academics and just left her in a school she was happy with. I overall performed better throughout Pymble but I think grammar had a good side in that it instilled life planning in the boys. I.e. helping them discover their true passion and leadership qualities. My brother was volleyball captain, although not a prefect, it was still good as this REALLY helped him to be confident, sporty (he looked good, the girls liked him ) and he fitted into the Australian culture. Due to sports, he was able to interact with boys of different age groups within his school so he could mentor younger boys and learn from older boys. Sydney Grammar has a fabulous OLD BOYS network. If you have to pick, Grammar is the best. But not easy to get in after Year 5 and year 7. It's much harder to get into Grammar full stop, they don't actively recruit in HK as they don't take international kids.

King's and Knox, King's is a wealthy school but doesn't perform as well, to be honest, for the money you pay, why not pick Shore, stronger academically and perform better in sports, arts, drama and music. King's is in Parramatta, so it's less "prestigious" because it's localed in Western Sydney. Schools in upper, lower north shore, eastern suburbs and northern sydney tend to be considered more prestigious. And also the inner west ones like Trinity or Newington, but a completely different crowd socially. King's has a large campus and does cadet etc, but really I think its not as high up in the prestige ranking. King's developed probably more well rounded boys in sports, arts and drama, not overtly academic, I think it's due to the fact it is located at Parramatta which is a mix of the old and new money and the student's parents are probably made up of less professionals. Whereas upper, lower north shore and eastern suburbs is definitely made of old money. Eastern suburb schools will have less asians. King's I think would't be too hard to get into. Private education in Australia will just create a space for kids for boarding as you pay a large hefty extra fee in boarding, schools love that.

I would definitely prefer SHORE or Barker (big school but at least co-ed) or Cranbrook or Sydney Grammar or even the less old name schools like Sceggs Redlands or Reddam House. Knox, my main thing about this school, it is graduating 293 students, WOW, such a big cohort, wouldn't you feel your son will get lost in the crowd? Knox also had a molestation scandal, just google it, lots of parents fled, it was crazy! For the boy's schools, the girl private schools have really done a lot better but doesn't mean the boy's aint good, just they are probably developing later in life. Knox is quite easy to into really, my cousin did it coming from a B2-B3 HK school, after that scandal and compensation payouts, I imagine the school needs money. Knox aggressively recruit, I think my cousin did application process and interviews in HK.

Go to this fair- http://aeas.com.au/parents-students/hong-kong2016/ I recall Knox and Pymble were both present and I spoke with Elize Tse from  ieducation, who was very knowledgable. That fair also had boarding schools from other states that could be good as less Asians, so your kid will immerse into Australian culture and perform better if he isn't a top student. I believe some schools require the AEAS, some don't.

Pymble in my year unfortunately had bullying, there were girls from rural AU that were mean and boarding mistress didn't do anything about it. white vs asians, but they get over it in time, nothing too detrimental, just name calling and cutting your clothing, adding dye to your clothing, not physical sine it was a girl's school. But speaking English is a must at Pymble, any other language is frowned upon in boarding school.

AU Citizen, lived in Sydney for 18 years. left HK P.4 Term 1, 9 years old, studied in Sydney, attended USYD (Bachelor of Commerce) and UTS (Masters of Marketing). Now working in HK.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 15-11-20 18:00 |只看該作者
回覆 yanange 的帖子

Thank you very much for your input. They are very informative indeed. I will definitely look up SHORE and Barker for more information. For Sydney Grammar, I through it is a private, independent school (not a public selective school) according to table like this. Isn't it?



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-11-20 19:03 |只看該作者

回覆:manning2014 的帖子

囝囝讀緊Sydney Trinity Grammar School,我們揀呢間學校係因為有親戚小朋友讀緊,而且我fd係度教書……所以我嘅情況比較特別。唔好意思俾唔到其他學校意見。

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