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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 請問有冇人已收St. Paul co-edu interview 信 ?
樓主: civic

請問有冇人已收St. Paul co-edu interview 信 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-6 18:07 |只看該作者
My friend submitted the form with me, her kid will be interviewed on Oct 22!!

原帖由 Twinsmami03 於 08-10-6 17:56 發表

In the briefing session, the principal admitted that they are worried that children born towards end of the year may not be able to follow the others in learning.  So it's obvious that they have pre ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-6 18:09 |只看該作者
thanks for the information, we will now educate ourself to forget all these until we are reminded of it again.

原帖由 濤兒 於 08-10-6 17:31 發表

Sorry to say that the reject letter will not be issued so early.
From last year’s experience, seems like that the reject letter will only be issued together with those after the 2nd interview.

Ma ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-6 20:32 |只看該作者
Was your kid finally accepted?

原帖由 濤兒 於 08-10-6 17:31 發表

Sorry to say that the reject letter will not be issued so early.
From last year’s experience, seems like that the reject letter will only be issued together with those after the 2nd interview.

Ma ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-6 20:38 |只看該作者
My boy was inside for 1 hr, but we are 20 minutes early, and went inside once arrived. No idea whether he waited for long or not, but he said a lady looked like principal Chan asked him  quite a no. of qns. Really don't know whether there a chance, as he is a "small" boy.

原帖由 CSW 於 08-10-6 15:29 發表
我的小朋友也是今早見. 真係聞名不如見面, d小朋友果然係房內等好耐都未到interview, 成個半鐘之後, 有老師帶佢出來, 原來只係要去厠所....仲未interview. 後來入番去之後, 再等15分鐘, 才完畢, 真係前後等了兩小時 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-6 21:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 TomatoCat 於 08-10-6 20:32 發表
Was your kid finally accepted?

Luckily, she was finally accepted and is now a Pr.1 pupil.  Still like a dream.

You said your kid is a small boy.  May I know in which month is he born?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-6 21:42 |只看該作者
Sep. That's why the chance seems to be low.

原帖由 濤兒 於 08-10-6 21:37 發表

Luckily, she was finally accepted and is now a Pr.1 pupil.  Still like a dream.

You said your kid is a small boy.  May I know in which month is he born?

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-6 22:08 |只看該作者
Just wondering to know that which month is your daughter born and do you have any relation with the school?

Congratulates your daughter is the student of SPCC.

原帖由 濤兒 於 08-10-6 21:37 發表

Luckily, she was finally accepted and is now a Pr.1 pupil.  Still like a dream.

You said your kid is a small boy.  May I know in which month is he born?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-7 00:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 阿寶媽 於 08-10-6 22:08 發表
Just wondering to know that which month is your daughter born and do you have any relation with the school?

Congratulates your daughter is the student of SPCC.

Thanks.  My girl is a "big" girl born in Feb.  We do not have any relationship with the school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 07:31 |只看該作者
Any "young" boy or girl accepted by this school before?

原帖由 濤兒 於 08-10-7 00:32 發表

Thanks.  My girl is a "big" girl born in Feb.  We do not have any relationship with the school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-7 19:05 |只看該作者
I also want to know. Principal Lee said there are such cases, but no idea whether they are related or not.

原帖由 lemonred 於 08-10-7 07:31 發表
Any "young" boy or girl accepted by this school before?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 20:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 TomatoCat 於 08-10-7 19:05 發表
I also want to know. Principal Lee said there are such cases, but no idea whether they are related or not.

i can tell you about a case from many years ago... my best friend was a pretty bright student at SPCC... she was born in feb... her sister, 9 years young than her and was born in may, was admitted as well... and then 2 years after that, her youngest brother who was born in august, was also admitted... i guess it doesn't matter in which month the kid was born in... whether he/she could show maturity during the interview would be one of the KSF... although i must admit the fact that the sister and the brother were in the related group, and that they all went to SKH kindergarten would likely have helped as well...

anyway... just remember that everyone gets interviewed... so i would assume that they really don't do a lot of screening before the interviews... it is the interview itself that counts the most... as far as i know, they only divide the applicants into 4 groups prior to the interviews... those with an 'A' in front of their reference numbers are in the related group... and the unrelated ones get a 'B'... and then if there is a 'R' after the 'A' or the 'B', then it means the applicant is a Christian...

God bless all parents and kids!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 13:11 |只看該作者
多謝你和另外兩位家長的分享(DGS Post),你令我對SPCC又敬又畏的忐忑心情平伏下來;想起三年前小兒只有兩歲多,我和他一起參加SPCC舊址開放日,他們的學生謙虛有禮、關心別人需要兼熱愛學習的態度令我深深被吸引,我記得小兒只望了兩位哥哥(約小五) 在拋汽球作樂一兩分鐘,兩位哥哥即把汽球雙手遞給小兒玩,然後便急急離去;又我們在參觀班房時,一個普通的學生(非守崗那批)也會主動地叫我們小心梯級,我當時在想這些是什麼家庭所教養出來的好孩子,家庭教育固然重要,但我深信我所見的SPCC學生包括我那一兩位說壓力大的朋友都是那樣品德與智慧兼備,就知道學校的功勞可不少,希望李校長和陳校監繼續努力,以信望愛的辦學理念教養更多出色的小朋友。

原帖由 skateboardp 於 08-10-7 20:29 發表

i can tell you about a case from many years ago... my best friend was a pretty bright student at SPCC... she was born in feb... her sister, 9 years young than her and was born in may, was admitted a ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 14:05 |只看該作者
Glad that you are trying to review this in different approach. No matter what the result is, it's always good to share here. Good luck !
原帖由 rtam 於 08-10-8 13:11 發表
多謝你和另外兩位家長的分享(在DGS Post),你令我對SPCC又敬又畏的忐忑心情平伏下來;想起三年前小兒只有兩歲多,我和他一起參加SPCC舊址開放日,他們的學生謙虛有禮、關心別人需要兼熱愛學習的態度令我深深被吸引,我記得小兒 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-8 15:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 TomatoCat 於 08-10-7 19:05 發表
I also want to know. Principal Lee said there are such cases, but no idea whether they are related or not.

A mate of my boy was born in December, she is now in P2.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-8 15:49 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

HI everyone,


"A" 代表 ?
"B" 代表 ?

"R" 代表 ? (宗教-是否需洗禮紙才可列入?)

什麼條件才列入有關係? (除了舊生外!)

因我知道有些申請者背景一樣, 但英文字頭卻不一樣!


Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-8 17:08 |只看該作者

Your daughter is so smart. May I know which kindergarten did she study?  

Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 18:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 vclo 於 08-10-8 15:49 發表
HI everyone,


"A" 代表 ?
"B" 代表 ?

"R" 代表 ? (宗教-是否需洗禮紙才可列入?)

什麼條件才列入有關係? (除了舊生外!)

因我知道有些申請者背景一樣, 但英文字 ...

"A"應該代表有關係申請者 (e.g. parents are alumni/SPCC staff/SKH members/school council members; brother/sister is SPCC student, etc etc)


"R"代表申請者宗教為基督教... 不一定需要受洗紙... 好像有些教會只會為已參加浸禮班之會友洗禮... 而年紀輕嘅小朋友則會行嬰孩奉獻禮... SPCC係承認基督教教會嬰孩奉獻禮嘅證明...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 18:09 |只看該作者
Hi Parents
Does anybody know if the school will accept boys and girls in 50:50 ratio? 


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-8 18:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 skateboardp 於 08-10-8 18:04 發表

"A"應該代表有關係申請者 (e.g. parents are alumni/SPCC staff/SKH members/school council members; brother/sister is SPCC student, etc etc)


"R"代表申請者宗教為基督教...  ...

Does the child has to have 嬰孩奉獻禮? Or the parents of the child being christian and provide the school with the certificate is adequate enough as child's evidence of christian?  On the application form, only the the baptism certificate of parents are required to submit.  Can someone please help?  thanks

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 19:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 daisy17772 於 08-10-8 18:45 發表

Does the child has to have 嬰孩奉獻禮? Or the parents of the child being christian and provide the school with the certificate is adequate enough as child's evidence of christian?  On the applicatio ...

to be honest i am not entirely sure... we submitted everything just in case... i think as long as you have a "R" in your reference number, your child is considered to be in the Christian group.
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