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樓主: alittlesum

方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ? [複製鏈接]


發表於 04-5-27 12:30 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

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Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-27 12:56 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-27 13:22 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

Dear BBChan,

Sorry that I have no idea the standard needed for an international K1 class.  Since I speaks Cantonese to my kid at home, so I want her to join the International Class in order to familier with an English enviornment as a practice for her K1 class this Sept.  Frankly, I don't expect my kid would learn any academic knowledge at N1 class.  I only want her to know more on sharing, line up and some social skill. Just like she is attending an English playgroup 5 days a week.

Same as Nikemum, my daughter also gets sick so often.  Maybe it is because Funful in Discovery Park is in a close area, no window at all !  Agreed that the outside envoirnment is not so good.
霖霖18 :-P

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-28 01:06 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

Dear all,

My son is also attending the international class of Fulfill at Discovery Park.  Totally agree to  霖霖18, This is a 5 days English Playgroup to him.

Assuming $2950/mths, =>$2950/23 days will be about $128 per day for 3 hours.  It will be about $42.6 per hour.  I don't think I can found any English playgroups around that price.

Again, this is really close to my living area.  I hope my son to be much independent, to have an English Speaking environment for his early childhood and can learn some social skills.  That's why I let him go to an international class.

The teachers are OK, however, I like the Chinese speaking teacher.  Same case as 霖霖18, the teacher can tell all the details of my son.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-28 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

In fact my daughter will attend another kindergarten in kowloon tong starting from sept.  Because she gets sick so frequently and her condition in May is not quite good so i decide to quit a bit earlier.  however, the teacher says that i need to give one month notice if i want to withdraw.  even if my daughter does not attend school in June, i still need to pay for the school fee,
but i don't think i should pay if i would not let my daughter attend school !!!


Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-28 11:52 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

Any comments to the school in Riveria Garden? Is there any international nursery class (N1)? Is the teacher good? In fact, my son had a interview there last year. He was one and two months year old at that time. The teacher seemed doen't know the baby development. My son could answer her the letters and a few of colour. Then she ask my son to draw a line between the hen and an egg. How can a 1 year old boy know the relationship with the hen and the egg. Therefore, I have bad impression to this school. However, I can't find any school which near my home and have international class.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-28 13:17 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

nickmum 寫道:
In fact my daughter will attend another kindergarten in kowloon tong starting from sept.  Because she gets sick so frequently and her condition in May is not quite good so i decide to quit a bit earlier.  however, the teacher says that i need to give one month notice if i want to withdraw.  even if my daughter does not attend school in June, i still need to pay for the school fee,
but i don't think i should pay if i would not let my daughter attend school !!!


Really?  My girl is taking playgroup at YMCA (TST) but YMCA has a 2-month summer break till end of Aug.  So I plan to let my daughter study at Kowloon Tong Funful (Durham Road) N1 for just 1 month this Aug.  

So do I need to tell them that my girl is leaving the first day she goes to school?   Then they may not be so nice to my girl during this month.   

In any case, how can they make me pay if I don't give enough notice?  I haven't given them any deposit, haven't signed any agreement, and I don't plan to let my girl continue with them anyway.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-28 16:26 |只看該作者

Re: 方方樂趣係唔係已經 'Out' 啦 ?

Dear justjust,

the class teacher told me the school rule when i told her i would like to quit on this tuesday. i don't know how the school can force me to pay for the school fee if i do not take my daughter to the school.
in fact it is quite good to allow my daughter to attend school in june and july before she takes a break in summer and attend K1 in sept.  however she gets sick so frequently when she is at school.
my husband insists to let her quit.
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