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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only
樓主: lwlw

Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 13:04 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-13 13:09 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

I want to know what's mean "jippedig jid"?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 04-10-13 14:00 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only


heiheihoney 寫道:
I want to know what's mean "jippedig jid"?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-13 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

Dear heiheihoney,

I asked my son the same question this morning, he said "the pig is crying, begging us not to cut him."--?????????
He said Miss So told him that.
I guess may be it's the sound made by the pig.


After I check up the song booklet from the VCD. The explanation given there said 'jiggedig jig' means --
play and jump. I bet it means you sing, you play and you jump when you are running home.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 14:15 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

anyone knows any song at Kentville K1, please add it in

大腳板, 蹦蹦跳, 大腳板,跑跑跑,大腳板, 走走走, 走到倦時休息了.

to market - "to market, to market, to buy a fat pig, home again, home again, jippedig jid"

A little ball,a bigger ball,a red Big ball,oh i see, now let us count the ball ,one ,two, three

攞件衫洗洗洗, 攞件衫"樓樓樓", 攞件衫夾夾夾"

學校裏, 朋友多, 同讀書, 同唱歌"

'我有十個好朋友, 五個在左, 五個在右, 幫我寫字, 幫我打球."

月亮圓, 月亮光, 好像燈龍在天上

秋天到, 天氣涼, 寶寶快快穿衣裳

A little car,a bigger car, a red car,oh i see, now, let us drive the car ,one ,two, three, bu!bu!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-13 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

: Kent Road - am class :

A : Miss So & Miss Suen (Teacher)
1) Henry..............lwlw
2) Timothy...........肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪
3) Sin Man...........Twinsmother

B : Miss Lau & Miss Man (Teacher)
1) ______..........寶貝豬豬媽咪

F : Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Sum Hang........TeresaMom
2) Dawn昕昫.........panchu
3) Brian Lee...........heiheihoney
4) Calvin建緯.........tinali
5) Matthew文樂......Mrs.Fong
6) Sam林琛............JoyceWong

G : Miss Mi, Miss Yu, Miss Yuen (Teacher)
1) Edric 鴻鑫...........mcheung
2) ______.............hktt
3) Kevin.................Kevin&mama
4) Sin Lok..............Twinsmother
5) Alice..................Sarahmm

K : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) ______.............anitatam

L : Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Anson...............ansonmom
2) Kim Man............aumom
3) 蔚瑩...................YingMaMa

M : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) _____..............tiffcl
2) ______.............HoneySeeSee

: Kent Road - pm class :

H : Miss So (Teacher)
1) Paco..................PACMA
2) 海桐...................海桐媽咪
3) Gabriel...............phoebel

J : Miss Yu (Teacher)
1) Elly祉穎..............tsztsz
2) Christie..............wen

K : Miss Wong & Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Emily ................Rkan

: Dorset Crescent - am class :

B : Miss Luk (Teacher)
1) ______............KYeung

C : Miss Lee & Miss Wu
1) 子琛 ................Summer

F : Miss Ma (Teacher)
1) Hei Hei.............Kwinghei

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-13 14:27 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

heiheihoney ,

我以前聽過一首太陽伯伯, 不過好似有d不同.

太陽伯伯, 太陽伯伯, 你去o左邊, 你去o左邊, 快d快d出o黎, 快d快d出o黎, 照著我, 照著你。

太陽伯伯, 太陽伯伯, 你去o左邊, 你去o左邊, 快d指佢出o黎, 快d指佢出o黎, 照著我, 照著你。

至於: "All day long", 我估係 "The wheels on the bus"

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long.

heiheihoney 寫道:
anyone knows any song at Kentville K1, please add it in

大腳板, 蹦蹦跳, 大腳板,跑跑跑,大腳板, 走走走, 走到倦時休息了.

to market - "to market, to market, to buy a fat pig, home again, home again, jippedig jid"

A little ball,a bigger ball,a red Big ball,oh i see, let us count the ball ,one ,two, three

攞件衫洗洗洗, 攞件衫"樓樓樓", 攞件衫夾夾夾"

學校裏, 朋友多, 同讀書, 同唱歌"

'我有十個好朋友, 五個在左, 五個在右, 幫我寫字, 幫我打球."

月亮圓, 月亮光, 好像燈龍在天上

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 14:49 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only


Good idea to put on a list of the children's songs.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:12 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:27 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

Hi Summer,

Thanks soooo much!

我現在醒起, 小兒唱all day long 之前是有幾句round & round 的! 另外我之前亦都有提過小兒唱過"快d 指佢出來,指著我, 指著你" 不過沒人回應.

現左真相大白, 真的很開心!

另外不得不讚你的小朋友, 可以完整地告訴你!

thanks again!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

ansonmom & yingmama, i put our babies' names in pm class (not am class).

: Kent Road - am class :

A : Miss So & Miss Suen (Teacher)
1) Henry..............lwlw
2) Timothy...........肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪
3) Sin Man...........Twinsmother

B : Miss Lau & Miss Man (Teacher)
1) ______..........寶貝豬豬媽咪

F : Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Sum Hang........TeresaMom
2) Dawn昕昫.........panchu
3) Brian Lee...........heiheihoney
4) Calvin建緯.........tinali
5) Matthew文樂......Mrs.Fong
6) Sam林琛............JoyceWong

G : Miss Mi, Miss Yu, Miss Yuen (Teacher)
1) Edric 鴻鑫...........mcheung
2) ______.............hktt
3) Kevin.................Kevin&mama
4) Sin Lok..............Twinsmother
5) Alice..................Sarahmm

K : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) ______.............anitatam

M : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) _____..............tiffcl
2) ______.............HoneySeeSee

: Kent Road - pm class :

H : Miss So (Teacher)
1) Paco..................PACMA
2) 海桐...................海桐媽咪
3) Gabriel...............phoebel

J : Miss Yu (Teacher)
1) Elly祉穎..............tsztsz
2) Christie..............wen

K : Miss Wong & Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Emily ................Rkan

L : Miss Wong (Teacher)
1) Anson...............ansonmom
2) Kim Man............aumom
3) 蔚瑩...................YingMaMa

: Dorset Crescent - am class :

B : Miss Luk (Teacher)
1) ______............KYeung

C : Miss Lee & Miss Wu
1) 子琛 ................Summer

F : Miss Ma (Teacher)
1) Hei Hei.............Kwinghei

Rank: 4

發表於 04-10-13 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

tsztsz 寫道:

up to now, including verbally confirmed, there is over 30 people will join it. (max is 56...ie. no. of  seats in a travel bus)
So u can apply anytime if there still has vacancy.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

hi ansonmom,

very special name.  yr daughter goes to school by school bus?  i ask the girls from apple group who is anson but they say no.  i try to find her out.

will u join the musical farm activity?  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:45 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

Add my daughter name in the list.

: Kent Road - am class :

A : Miss So & Miss Suen (Teacher)
1) Henry..............lwlw
2) Timothy...........肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪
3) Sin Man...........Twinsmother

B : Miss Lau & Miss Man (Teacher)
1) ______..........寶貝豬豬媽咪

C: Miss Yu & Miss Chui (Teacher)
1) Hillary..... Micmic

F : Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Sum Hang........TeresaMom
2) Dawn昕昫.........panchu
3) Brian Lee...........heiheihoney
4) Calvin建緯.........tinali
5) Matthew文樂......Mrs.Fong
6) Sam林琛............JoyceWong

G : Miss Mi, Miss Yu, Miss Yuen (Teacher)
1) Edric 鴻鑫...........mcheung
2) ______.............hktt
3) Kevin.................Kevin&mama
4) Sin Lok..............Twinsmother
5) Alice..................Sarahmm

K : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) ______.............anitatam

M : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) _____..............tiffcl
2) ______.............HoneySeeSee

: Kent Road - pm class :

H : Miss So (Teacher)
1) Paco..................PACMA
2) 海桐...................海桐媽咪
3) Gabriel...............phoebel

J : Miss Yu (Teacher)
1) Elly祉穎..............tsztsz
2) Christie..............wen

K : Miss Wong & Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Emily ................Rkan

L : Miss Wong (Teacher)
1) Anson...............ansonmom
2) Kim Man............aumom
3) 蔚瑩...................YingMaMa

: Dorset Crescent - am class :

B : Miss Luk (Teacher)
1) ______............KYeung

C : Miss Lee & Miss Wu
1) 子琛 ................Summer

F : Miss Ma (Teacher)
1) Hei Hei.............Kwinghei

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

hi yingmama,

nice to meet u.  let me ask my son whether he knows ying ying or not.  

no problem and dont worry, keep on checking this website u will know more.  will u join the musical farm activity?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 15:59 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-10-13 16:10 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only


我個仔真係無o甘醒, 問極都答唔到我.  不過 o甘o岩,  lee 兩首歌我以前聽過. 都唔知幾羡慕你 o地, 個個小朋友都 o甘醒。

上星期問佢 "老師有無叫帶樹葉", 佢話有.  我同佢講 o甘下次記得話我知. 昨晚我又問佢 "老師有無話要帶什么回校", 佢就話樹葉, o甘我問佢要帶幾時帶, 佢就話唔知道呀.  死未.

寶貝豬豬媽咪 寫道:
Hi Summer,

Thanks soooo much!

我現在醒起, 小兒唱all day long 之前是有幾句round & round 的! 另外我之前亦都有提過小兒唱過"快d 指佢出來,指著我, 指著你" 不過沒人回應.

現左真相大白, 真的很開心!

另外不得不讚你的小朋友, 可以完整地告訴你!

thanks again!

Rank: 1

發表於 04-10-13 16:13 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

I UPDATED Dorset AM class 1B.
: Kent Road - am class :

A : Miss So & Miss Suen (Teacher)
1) Henry..............lwlw
2) Timothy...........肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪
3) Sin Man...........Twinsmother

B : Miss Lau & Miss Man (Teacher)
1) ______..........寶貝豬豬媽咪

C: Miss Yu & Miss Chui (Teacher)
1) Hillary..... Micmic

F : Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Sum Hang........TeresaMom
2) Dawn昕昫.........panchu
3) Brian Lee...........heiheihoney
4) Calvin建緯.........tinali
5) Matthew文樂......Mrs.Fong
6) Sam林琛............JoyceWong

G : Miss Mi, Miss Yu, Miss Yuen (Teacher)
1) Edric 鴻鑫...........mcheung
2) ______.............hktt
3) Kevin.................Kevin&mama
4) Sin Lok..............Twinsmother
5) Alice..................Sarahmm

K : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) ______.............anitatam

M : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) _____..............tiffcl
2) ______.............HoneySeeSee

: Kent Road - pm class :

H : Miss So (Teacher)
1) Paco..................PACMA
2) 海桐...................海桐媽咪
3) Gabriel...............phoebel

J : Miss Yu (Teacher)
1) Elly祉穎..............tsztsz
2) Christie..............wen

K : Miss Wong & Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Emily ................Rkan

L : Miss Wong (Teacher)
1) Anson...............ansonmom
2) Kim Man............aumom
3) 蔚瑩...................YingMaMa

: Dorset Crescent - am class :

B : Miss Luk (Teacher)
1) 梓裕...........KYeung (Katherine)

C : Miss Lee & Miss Wu
1) 子琛 ................Summer

F : Miss Ma (Teacher)
1) Hei Hei.............Kwinghei

Rank: 2

發表於 04-10-13 16:57 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

: Kent Road - am class :

A : Miss So & Miss Suen (Teacher)
1) Henry..............lwlw
2) Timothy...........肥豬嘜嘜的媽咪
3) Sin Man...........Twinsmother

B : Miss Lau & Miss Man (Teacher)
1) ______..........寶貝豬豬媽咪

C: Miss Yu & Miss Chui (Teacher)
1) Hillary..... Micmic

F : Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Sum Hang........TeresaMom
2) Dawn昕昫.........panchu
3) Brian Lee...........heiheihoney
4) Calvin建緯.........tinali
5) Matthew文樂......Mrs.Fong
6) Sam林琛............JoyceWong

G : Miss Mi, Miss Yu, Miss Yuen (Teacher)
1) Edric 鴻鑫...........mcheung
2) ______.............hktt
3) Kevin.................Kevin&mama
4) Sin Lok..............Twinsmother
5) Alice..................Sarahmm

K : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) ______.............anitatam

M : Miss ___(Teacher)
1) _____..............tiffcl
2) ______.............HoneySeeSee

: Kent Road - pm class :

H : Miss So (Teacher)
1) Paco..................PACMA
2) 海桐...................海桐媽咪
3) Gabriel...............phoebel

J : Miss Yu (Teacher)
1) Elly祉穎..............tsztsz
2) Christie..............wen

K : Miss Wong & Miss Lau (Teacher)
1) Emily ................Rkan

L : Miss Wong (Teacher)
1) Anson...............ansonmom
2) Kim Man............aumom
3) 蔚瑩...................YingMaMa

: Dorset Crescent - am class :

B : Miss Luk (Teacher)
1) 梓裕...........KYeung (Katherine)

C : Miss Lee & Miss Wu
1) 子琛 ................Summer

F : Miss Tang & Miss Ma
1) Hei Hei.............Kwinghei
2) Hadrien 昊謙...........Hadrien-mama

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-13 17:53 |只看該作者

Re: Kentville Chatroom for K.1 only

Hi aumom:

nice to meet u too! I just knew my girl belongs to banana group! Mostly likely, we unable to join the muscial farm since I still have one little boy (6.5 months old) to take care since my hubby needs work on shift on that day!

Miss Wong is very nice and experienced.  Hope our babies have wonderful time on their 1st stage of school life!

aumom 寫道:
hi yingmama,

nice to meet u.  let me ask my son whether he knows ying ying or not.  

no problem and dont worry, keep on checking this website u will know more.  will u join the musical farm activity?

Ying MaMa
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