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Social Background determines pupils' success (part 2) [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-4-21 18:03 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
This is a view echoed - unsurprisingly - by Christine Haddock, headteacher at Larkspur community school in Gateshead -the most successful primary in the country according to the new league table.

"This is fantastic news," Haddock told Education Guardian. "We have always known that we are doing a good job for the children here, but the usual league tables rarely reflect that feeling.

"We serve a deprived area. In the last three years 46%-59% of our children have been eligible for free school meals [the standard indicator of deprivation]. But these findings reflect what we have always known: that this is a good school that looks after its pupils as well as it possibly can. Many of them are at quite a low level when they arrive, but they make massive strides before they leave.

"In the end, it's not about where you come in tables, it's about the difference that we can make to children's lives round here, but this will be a real boost to all the people who work so hard at the school."

Another primary headteacher who welcomed the new league tables was Simon O'Keefe, headteacher of The Powell School in Dover, Kent, which came second in the country after not making the top 250 schools in the value-added rankings produced by the Guardian from the DfES performance tables.

"It is only in recent years that we are starting to feel we are getting recognition, but nothing like this," says O'Keefe. "It is obviously nice to feel we are successful in what we are trying to do here, but there is always room for improvement and, in the end, league tables are nice, but it is about teaching children to the best of our abilities so that they can reach their potential."

The school has around 33% of pupils eligible for free school meals and a similar proportion with special educational needs. "All our children, with perhaps one or two exceptions, come from the local council estate and from a fairly deprived background, but we have high expectations for them. We have high expectations of what they can achieve and of their behaviour. That, along with excellent teaching, is our fairly obvious secret."

Questions for parents and schools
Among secondary schools, although many community schools with more socially deprived intakes make it into the top 200, some of the more traditional table-toppers still do well, particularly those from the grammar school sector.

Webber says this is because there is more selection at secondary schools, so they often cream off the more able pupils from disadvantaged areas while maintaining high results.

He adds that the research, including the new league tables, should be seen as the start rather than the end of an ongoing discussion.

"There are endless questions that this research throws up for parents and schools and, perhaps most crucially of all, for those making the decisions on where we go from here. Hopefully, this will begin a debate that will lead to a greater understanding of what is actually working in our schools and how best we can help children from all backgrounds achieve their potential."

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-5-18 23:50 |只看該作者


通识教育的危险 (2008-04-24 14:18:30)





其實教改不是什麼新鮮事,自從教育成為現代國家的責任,普及教育在全球的範圍上施行以來,教育的改革也就從來沒有停止過。新鮮的是,近百年前由杜威和他的門徒首倡的「進步教育」(progressive education),一種強調啟發和能力培養多於資訊記誦的教育方法,在今天卻成為最不「進步」(或者「激進」)的路數,反而成了全球化底下最符合各國需要的一種教育模式。所以過去20年來,「先進」的第一世界國家莫不把教改視作國家興亡的頭等大事,而改革的大方向也莫有不從曾經很激進的「進步教育」方法。




其實早在70年代,就已經有些先知先覺的教育學家如伯恩斯坦(Basil Bernstein),發現這種教改有潛在的危險,而且問題不小。那就是它可能會破壞教育再分配財富和地位的功能。








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