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將軍澳 little cosmos, a plus education 和English excel [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-9-23 10:02 |只看該作者

回覆:將軍澳 little cosmos, a plus education 和English excel

English Excel!  

Class ratio is 1:4 and most of the teachers are from UK. Teaching is very inspiring to kids and lots of encouragement during the class. It fostered my kid's writing and speak up habits in class.

But there are some shortcomings, if the English level have big gaps among students in the same class, smart kids may feel stuff learnt is a little bit boring. The course has no specific or preset curriculum, parents will not have any idea on what the teacher teach in the next class (my kid like this arrangement, as he expected something different to learn every week).

Some parents may not like the school will cut the class time from 1.5 hr to 1 hr if only has 1 kid attend the class (I am fine to this arrangement, as your kid won't have a lot of fun if they facing the teacher alone for >1 hr)

發表於 12-9-24 10:10 |只看該作者

回覆:將軍澳 little cosmos, a plus education 和English excel

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