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未夠18歲嘅dependent,需要同父母一齊申請BNO visa,不過可以前後腳,即係你老公可以唔去住,不過要同你哋一齊申請。另外year 10過去爭1⃣️年嘅問題,係可以同大學申請take -年gap year,但要大學批準先得。但問題係5年之後申請永居,英國政府網站話要預留6個月時間做審批,咁當你2023/2月批咗BNO visa俾你哋-家,2028/1月夠5年申請永居,到時已經夠18歲,可以獨立申請永居,可能要多半年即2028/7先批出永居,咁大學接唔接受呢?。又會唔會同一時間太多香港人一齊申請,批唔切呢?。anyway你都應該要盡快申請。批咗Visa俾你定必半年內要land,如果唔係你可能要extend visa,咁就未必趕得切。
Children under 18In most cases, children under 18 need to apply with both parents, unless: - one parent has sole responsibility for them
- one parent already has a BNO visa
- one parent has the right to live in the UK permanently, for example if they are a British citizen
The child must normally live with you, unless they’re either: - living away from home to study
- applying after you’ve already moved to the UK
Indefinite leave to remain (private life)
When to applyThe earliest you can apply is 28 days before you’re eligible. Check how long you need to have spent in the UK to be eligible. Your application may be refused if you apply earlier. Do not wait until your current visa expires. If your visa expires before you can apply for indefinite leave to remain, you’ll need to renew it first. How long it takesThere is no standard processing time, but you’ll usually be told whether your application has been successful within 6 months. Your application may take longer if your case is complex, for example: if your supporting documents need to be verified if you need to attend an interview because of your personal circumstances, for example if you have a criminal conviction
If you urgently need to travel overseas, contact UK Visas and Immigration.