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蘇浙幼稚園+國際班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-14 13:57 |只看該作者


有沒有家長替孩子上午報幼稚園(普通話為主), 下午報國際班? 意見如何? 謝謝!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-14 14:02 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 17:39 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Early this year, I planned to let my boy to study a local school in the morning and ESF in the afternoon.  I talked to ESF, the lady said they got some students like that but they felt very sleepy in the class.  My husband also thought it's too much for a 3 year old boy.  I finally decided to let my boy to enjoy his early school life.   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-21 11:38 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

我係擔心BB的中文唔好先會考慮上下午各讀KCS & KCIS  
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-25 17:09 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

(1) 我個仔0係蘇淅讀左三年 (本地班), 普通話一流, 英文都好好 (本身自小說英文多), 師資(北京及外國)都非常正統同專業.
如果想子女學多d普通話, 就應該放0係本地班.
國際班的英/普約:7:3, 本地班剛相反.

(2) 本身已是高檔國際學校, 學生包括本地頂級政要人馬的仔女或孫兒們, 仲有不少大歌星明星明人, 大商家, 專業人士…等仔女都放蘇淅, 可想而知, 佢地既寶貝都放心, 一定係超筍野啦!

(3) 我見過d 大人物, 好盡責, 親自視察環境同接放學….但唔方便透露名字,sorry!

(4) 絕不會大細超, 大家學校同家長很開心, 很合作.

(5) 中文程度不會低於其他, 英文比其他深一年, k1比佢開始讀最正, 其他都非常有水準, 學科及音樂/跳舞出外比賽成日冠軍, 總之一個字….勁!! 無壓力!!!

(6) 本地班會有不同國籍人士讀 (英籍, 美籍, 意大利, 日本, 星加坡等), 所以我個仔日日都同同班同學講英文同國語, 鬼仔仲好鬼流利噃!!

(7) K2開始有全日制. 我個仔都讀日制, 仲正, 因為大家樂lunch只係$17一餐, 飯後午睡, 之後教做功課, 之後出花園玩, 之後放學…個個對老師感情好好.

(8) 全校學生都有家教同校教, 好有紀律同禮貌, 睇得出係好野, 小學都勁好!

*****比起其他的國際學校, 蘇淅真係勁過同多元化過佢地好多, 只係其他人只識得什麼英基等, 根本唔適合本地升學的小朋友.     

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-25 17:13 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

我個仔人人讚, 學校班主任功勞不少.
仔成績非常非常好, 0係KCS已經係校隊, 出外比賽得全港校際冠軍...., 他現在小一讀好好好既學校lor....
有問題pm比我會容易check到, 比較少上呢個topic. thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-26 10:54 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班


I understand that KCIS primary school results for Main Stream (local studies) is very good because a very high % of children are allocated to Band 1 secondary school.

However, as the KCIS Main Stream is quite different from International Stream, at least the curriculum and all teachers are all different, how can you compare both as your son is in Main Stream?  

Moreover, as KCIS share the same premises with its local school which is >40 years, it does not seem very attractive comparing to the other International Schools which have very good facilities.  So I just query your desciption "...高檔國際學校, 學生包括本地頂級政要人馬的仔女或孫兒們, 仲有不少大歌星明星明人, 大商家, 專業人士..."

Actually I also wish to find out more from this school but the description is a bit overwhelming.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-26 13:35 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班


I'm an alumnus of both KCK & KCPS (No Int'l section at that time). Regarding the "good facilities", I agree with "wlk168win". 20 years ago, the primary school already had a balletroom, a "Science" Room, a COMFY library, a SPACIOUS, TWO-STOREY assembly hall....etc. I believe those facilities are still there and much more were built after I left. Not to mention that we (Primary School - Chinese Section) had Native English Teachers for English classes in P.5 & P.6.

One drawback about this school, I think, is that Principal Sun Fong Chung is retired and I think she is a devoted educator.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-26 14:07 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

what is the big difference between KCIS and KCS
pls share, thanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-26 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

講真, 如果樣樣以 “外表” 或者 “年齡” 去判斷一間學校既 “能力”, 禁應該全港家長都只需搵新落成的學校吧!!! 不需什麼老牌名校啦, 反正又舊又無 “新野”.

再講, 有咩人會清楚得過宜家仲讀緊既人呢, 資料完全屬實, 如果唔信, 應先去了解人地內部結構, 而唔係用呢個字 “query” .   

我相信根本唔識蘇淅既人一定唔會知好多, 唔係哂野, 講什麼頂級人馬/大人物仔女讀緊, 係千真萬確既事, 搬出黎, ----只係想比d凡事只睇 “表面” 既人知, 呢間學校有幾多料有幾多實際遮.

可能仲唔知, 蘇淅有個蘇淅同鄉會back-up佢, 所以家長唔駛捐獻, 學校只係家教會都大把資金, 剛剛今年已完全完成加樓層 (只因每年學位供不應求), 仲有電梯, 加建多條樓梯, 多個花園遊樂場 (這原先已經有架啦!), 見唔到唔夠地方玩bor!! 經常全校大番新.

另外, 仲有芭蕾舞室, 音樂室, 咩室咩室等, 而電腦室仲係最新最好既所有電腦, 學生每人用一部…仲有咩唔夠??

師資: 個個有番禁上下專業, 正統國語, 英文老師很多位, 都是外國人…

校內校外成績唔駛多講…亦唔想再講. 讀得開心又放心.
如果真係有人想報, 可以上學校網頁search 多d 資料先.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-26 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

I will talk to you later today.OK?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-26 15:19 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班


Sorry that if my wordings made you feel bad.  I have no intention to make this a hostile discussion.

My own query is that since KCIS International Stream opened in 1993, and only in these 2 years(?) that there are Form 4 students (previously up to Form 3), the international school history is not too long and students achievement esp for secondary school is not known by public, unlike the Main Stream which is well established and have a lot of graduates.  I only want to collect more information but not from one side or from Main Stream only.

I have asked the school before and their answer is that as there was not enough students in upper classes, so they can only have classes up to Form 4.


Thank you for your information.  Your comments are fair and I agreed with them.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-26 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

KCS係本地班, 約7:3國語:英文
上課形式: 上午班自由度較少;
上課多是唱歌, 輕鬆為主.
而全日班則下午主要餐後午睡, 之後老師教做功課, 之後會出後花園/禮堂/遊樂場玩個夠, 之後約4.30pm就放學.
全日班學國語仲多過半日班. 學費只係3,200. 不包午餐, 可叫工人到時送飯/自備, 大家樂飯盒非常衛生及夠熱 (小學都可以訂), 每餐$17. 學校代訂.

KCIS係國際部, 約7:3英文:國語
國際班沒有全日班, 以我所知.
每天上課前, 會在班老師帶領下到操場 “喧嘩” 同 “運動” 一番. 然後上堂, 當然, 佢地同本地班形式始終有d 分別.

[我想你應該睇下你自己想個仔女需要學邊一方面既語言多d., 相反, 如果你只係當比錢佢學國語都好底…平正過搵人補國語架]

有人由小一時由國際轉去本地班, 又有人由本地班轉去國際班. 好視乎個人要求.

本地班的全日制, 老師會當日下午有一堂同學生做功課, 似補習, 有問題可以問,老師會將當日早上學生交的功課改好, 會在該空堂同學生講點解會錯/有咩問題教下佢地. 都幾好bor.
學校非常鼓勵學生報全日班. 課程及生活始終比半日班 “他條”.

主要係睇書, 約3.30pm放學, 活動形式多d.

好啦, 要做野, 講住禁多先. 可能唔會上呢個topic禁多架啦.


Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-26 17:25 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班


Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-26 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Agree! KCIS is a very good school. My younger son is studying at P2 now.     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-26 18:04 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Hi Space,

Can you tell a bit more on KCIS, such as
- teachers/students standard
- curriculum and teaching method
- comparison to other IS such as ESF, CDNIS, CIS, etc

Do you intend to let your son continue studying in KCIS until Secondary School?  

How is the school in Braemar Hill comparing to Ching Wah Street in terms of school facilities?

Thanks a lot!


Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-26 19:11 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Hi Kimum,

- teachers/students standard
- curriculum and teaching method
- comparison to other IS such as ESF, CDNIS, CIS, etc
I am very satisfied their Chinese and English standard. My son and most of his classmates also can speaking Putonghua and English fluently. As KCIS is strongly in Mandarin lesson, so I like KCIS more than the other internation schools. But if compared with ESF, i will also like ESF. Because my older son is studying in ESF Now. Before he got accepted by ESF, he also studying in KCIS. As we are not a rich people, so i would prefer cheaper tuition fee. At the moment, i haven't decide to let my younger son to continue studying in their Secondary School or not.

How is the school in Braemar Hill comparing to Ching Wah Street in terms of school facilities?
Ching Wah Campus for K1 to P1
Braemer Hill - P2 to Secondary


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-26 19:28 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Hi Space,

Thanks for your quick and detail response.

I also agree that for middle class family school fee for ESF and KCIS are more affordable than other IS.

As your sons are studying in ESF and KCIS respectively, can you elaborate more on why your preference is on ESF, given that KCIS has stronger Mandarin level and school fees are similar.  Does ESF have better teacher standards? Please PM me if necessary.

Is the campus of Braemer Hill bigger and with more facilities than that of Ching Wah Street?

Big thanks!


Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-26 19:56 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Hi Kimun,

As your sons are studying in ESF and KCIS respectively, can you elaborate more on why your preference is on ESF, given that KCIS has stronger Mandarin level and school fees are similar. Does ESF have better teacher standards? Please PM me if necessary.
As i moved to NT last year, and the one of ESF School is very near my home. So i decided to tranfer my older son to ESF School. But i still very appreciated  their teachers in KCIS. Because both of my sons had learnt more more from them. However, i still want keep my younger son stuying in KCIS before P5.  I would let him to learn more Chinese.

Is the campus of Braemer Hill bigger and with more facilities than that of Ching Wah Street?
I think Breamer Hill is bigger than Ching Wah Street. But if your son attend their P1 Class, he must studying at Ching Wah Campus.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-27 09:49 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙幼稚園+國際班

Bramer Hill is much much bigger than Ching Wah Street indeed.
But peoples said that the "discipline" of local classes (B. Hill) are not so good (heard that few years ago).
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