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澳洲讀書一問??? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-10 11:33 |只看該作者


請問各位家長你們有否兒女在澳洲讀書呀! 比些意見我呀!

小女今年中三升中四. 唔該!   

發表於 06-6-15 23:40 |只看該作者

Re: 澳洲讀書一問???

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Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-16 16:25 |只看該作者

Re: 澳洲讀書一問???

I studied in Australia and worked as an Australian education consultant before, my husband also works in overseas education industry.  I can give you an idea, please let me know what you want to know, which part of Australia you want your daughter to go, as she is under 18, do you have a friend/relative in Australia who will act as your daughter's guardian?
Rae Ma

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-16 22:04 |只看該作者

Re: 澳洲讀書一問???

To my surprise, after five day have an answer to me. Anyway, raema, awesomeviv thank you very much!

I want to find a girl school and also with boarding for my daughter, I have not any relative in Australia and don't any idea which part of Australia to study. But I perfer Brisbane and Melbourne. And I have some information that South Australia more school have an International Baccalaureate cause.(IB) Is it right? And how can I know that after the school of  years12 result is high level  or not. Would the agency  tell me the truth? What can I do?      Please advise!


Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-17 15:22 |只看該作者

Re: 澳洲讀書一問???

I think it is a good timing for your daughter completed F.3 in July, she can go after July to join 1) mid year Year 9 (Term 3 in July and Term 4 in late Sep/early Oct) or 2) some English program this year after July, then join Year 10 starting Jan 2007.
All Australia and NZ terms start early in the year.
There are government and private schools, for government, your daughter can stay with an Australian homestay family.  If you choose girls boarding sch, mostly are private or with religious background.  If you don't have a guardian, most schools will help you to arrange a guardian, this is also for the student visa purpose.  There will be Yr 10, 11 and 12 to complete the high sch, every cities will have their own education board for Yr 12 exam.  But if you choose to go for IB, you need to find a school that offers IB and in fact IB became very popular in Australia, there are a few good girls boarding schools have already been running IB program.
The most popular or well known cities would be Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane......after them would be Adelaide (South Australia) and Perth etc.
Syd and Mel have great population of Chinese, more expensive, but the universities there are very reputable and many choices, whereas Perth and Adelaide seem to be a little quieter with less Chinese, a little cheaper, but only 3 to 4 universities in those cities.  Brisbane would be in the middle.
Normally the schools have their Yr 12 results opened to the public to show how good the school is.  I think you can go to those education agencies to ask for more info and compare.
The education company my husband works for is well known and has long history, he is also very experienced with this and if you need help, pls let me know I can pm his company details to you.
Hope it helps.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-18 00:46 |只看該作者

Re: 澳洲讀書一問???


I am really thanks for your information. If you have reliable agency. Please kind PM to me. Thanks a lot!

best regards!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-21 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: 澳洲讀書一問???

Hi, raema,
I have one son F.3 and two daughters (P.6&K.3), can you give me some comments about school in Melb? Also, co-ed school is better or boys/girls school? if we are P.R. is it we don't need to pay school fee for government schools?
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